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Would Mac favour those who major at Athabasca?

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Hello all,



So I was looking through Athabasca to take a credit not offered in my school until winter and I realized something. Do you guys think Mac would look favorably on those who take a degree (or a lot of courses) from Athabasca and do well? Because their program is self directed learning which is what Mac is all about. Any thoughts? :) (and p.s. yes I know Mac would never *say* it prefers any program or another lol)

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Hello all,



So I was looking through Athabasca to take a credit not offered in my school until winter and I realized something. Do you guys think Mac would look favorably on those who take a degree (or a lot of courses) from Athabasca and do well? Because their program is self directed learning which is what Mac is all about. Any thoughts? :) (and p.s. yes I know Mac would never *say* it prefers any program or another lol)


No they would not.

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Hello all,



So I was looking through Athabasca to take a credit not offered in my school until winter and I realized something. Do you guys think Mac would look favorably on those who take a degree (or a lot of courses) from Athabasca and do well? Because their program is self directed learning which is what Mac is all about. Any thoughts? :) (and p.s. yes I know Mac would never *say* it prefers any program or another lol)


GPA is computed most likely automatically via a computer - that is the point of entering all the grades electronically in OMSAS. No one would likely even look at your transcript in person. There would be no opportunity to process your degree in any way, either positively or negatively.


The MMI is also completely blind to degree. The topic won't even come up.


Combined it knocks out the opportunity for bias. Schools often take safe guards to ensure their stated policies are enforced. Mac in particular is very careful about things like that.

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