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Pharmacology 201

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i took this course 2 years ago, but since then ive heard they changed the curriculum so that its easier?

but when i took it, it was very calculation heavy, and the exams are the worst because there just wasn't enough time to think things through.

However the materials being taught were interesting though, and the professors were very nice :)

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I agree it was calculation heavy, but I thought it was pretty easy. The calculations were intuitive and I also felt we had lots of time for the final. I was also in the course 2 years ago where they revamped the course. People I knew found it either really hard or really easy but I've yet to hear anyone say its something in between.


Nvm don't listen to me.

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My friends took it last fall (2012), and the opinion was mostly negative. They enjoyed the course materials at time, but some profs were better than others (eg. A. Holt wasn't very helpful outside class apparently). Most people couldn't finish the final exam on time. The prof had to address that after the exam. In the end, it is curved so... do your best, and hopefully, the curve helps you out.


Midterm 2 average was high 70s, and final exam (weighted 60%) was high 50s, I believe. In Fall 2011, 83.4% was required to get an A.

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You might also take a look at physiology 210 (One of the easiest courses I took in undergrad), Bio 201 or 207 (depends on your preference), and some 200 level psyco courses (again fully dependent upon what appeals to you).


Oncology 320 isn't an easy course, but I always recommend it to people. Incredibly well structured, cool clinician guest-lecturers, and fairly graded - was probably my favourite course. It will not count as a Science course though.

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i agree with above, physiology210 was one of the easiest course ive taken. there were tons of materials presented in class in very specific details, but the exams were very general, definitely not as detail as the lecture.


Really? I took this course and did extremely well (A+), but I didn't find that to be the case. Physiology 210 is great because it's very interesting and it covers pretty much the whole body. We were presented with a lot of detail for a 2nd year course, and the exams sometimes tested minute details (how thick is the phospholipid bilayer? :rolleyes: ). Anyways, I'd definitely recommend this course though. Just don't leave studying to the few nights before the exam. Revise as the content is presented in class.


As Telric mentioned, look into 200 level Psych courses. Also, I would really recommend MMI 133 if you can still take 100 level courses. It is simply amazing, and by far, my favourite course in University. There is a lot of memorization involved, but it isn't very hard to get a high mark in.


P.S. Biology 207 > Biology 201 in terms of easiness, but Biology 201 > Biology 207 in terms of what you learn and how it applies to so many other concepts, IMO. :D

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here's what i've got so far:





Physl 210a

Psych 241




Phys 210b

chem 263

biochem 200

Bio 207

Psych 239


any suggestions as to whether or not i need to switch anything to balance it out? Gah :confused: i'm so confused. Once again, Thank you guys so much for helping me!

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here's what i've got so far:





Physl 210a

Psych 241




Phys 210b

chem 263

biochem 200

Bio 207

Psych 239


any suggestions as to whether or not i need to switch anything to balance it out? Gah :confused: i'm so confused. Once again, Thank you guys so much for helping me!


That looks pretty good and balanced, except maybe replace Biology 207 with something that doesn't have a lab? I mean, unless it's required for your degree or you plan on taking Genetics, Biology 207 isn't really that helpful. Just a thought... I dislike courses with labs, haha. :o In the end, go with what you like and what you're good at, as that is probably going to determine your grade.


Biol 201 requires a lot of time just comprehending the articles they give you to read... so make sure you use your time effectively in the Fall Term.

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That looks pretty good and balanced, except maybe replace Biology 207 with something that doesn't have a lab? I mean, unless it's required for your degree or you plan on taking Genetics, Biology 207 isn't really that helpful. Just a thought... I dislike courses with labs, haha. :o In the end, go with what you like and what you're good at, as that is probably going to determine your grade.


Biol 201 requires a lot of time just comprehending the articles they give you to read... so make sure you use your time effectively in the Fall Term.


There is also the new Paleo 200 (Dino 101) course. It is online and is considered 3 credits.

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Really? I took this course and did extremely well (A+), but I didn't find that to be the case. Physiology 210 is great because it's very interesting and it covers pretty much the whole body. We were presented with a lot of detail for a 2nd year course, and the exams sometimes tested minute details (how thick is the phospholipid bilayer? :rolleyes: ). Anyways, I'd definitely recommend this course though. Just don't leave studying to the few nights before the exam. Revise as the content is presented in class.


As Telric mentioned, look into 200 level Psych courses. Also, I would really recommend MMI 133 if you can still take 100 level courses. It is simply amazing, and by far, my favourite course in University. There is a lot of memorization involved, but it isn't very hard to get a high mark in.


P.S. Biology 207 > Biology 201 in terms of easiness, but Biology 201 > Biology 207 in terms of what you learn and how it applies to so many other concepts, IMO. :D



i remember i studied so hard for that first midterm, trying to remember every single detail, mechanism that were presented in the class. but when i saw the midterm, questions were very easy, but i didnt do well since i made many questions more difficult then it needs to be. :( got an 86% i believe (avg was 80something), so i learned my lesson and just try to study the overall picture rather than details and i ended up with A+ as well :)

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i'm thinking of swapping bio 201 for psych 258 (cog psych). would you guys think its worth having 2 psychs in one semester? or would taking bio 207 in first semester and microbio in the winter be a better way to go. You guys are the best!:D thanks for helping me sort this out.

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What I would suggest is what worked for me. My first two years were harder because I did all the prereqs/labs and such. The next two were easier because of this: I took 3 hard courses, and 2 easy ones every semester. Out of the 3 hard ones, 2 were for my major, and 1 was for my minor, or all 3 were for the major after i finished my minor off. The remaining two were gpa boosters, usually EAS courses that were fairly easy with good ratemyprof ratings on the profs. They still required work, but it was the crammable kind of work that was less stressful and not as material intensive. Do this if possible, I would really recommend it.

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