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Should I Continue


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Hey guys I've done a bit of searching around the site, but please forgive me if I'm asking anything that has been answered in other threads.


I am going into third year Commerce at Queen's University. I have always wanted to be a doctor, but I got pushed into commerce by my parents. For my electives I've taken first year bio, and by the end of my undergrad I plan on completing first year chem, physics and organic chemistry.


I'm taking these electives because I want to be prepared for when I take my MCAT either this coming year (third year) or at the end of fourth year. I am also taking these to try and fulfill the pre-reqs for the few Med schools that actually require them. I have already taken statistics and English, and I can look into taking biochem based on your replies.


Long story short; I have an abysmal GPA from my first two years of commerce (2.2). I know for a fact I can apply myself, and I am motivated to getting an A+ in every course for my last two years (that's a 4.3 at Queen's). However, even if I do get an A+ in every class I take for the next two years I can only achieve a cumulative GPA of ~3.3. (basically a B+).


Further, I feel I am capable to achieve strong MCAT results if I dedicate enough time to it.


So my basic question for you guys: is it worth it?


Let's say best case scenario I get all A+'s and a strong MCAT, considering my first two years, will any Med schools even look at me?


I know every Med School takes admissions differently, and I hear U of Ottawa does a weighted average of your last three years. However, I'm not a permanent resident of Ontario (I'm originally from Alberta) and I know that plays against me.


Thanks for your time, any response will be greatly appreciated.

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The only school in ontario that differentiates btw IP and OOP is mcmaster. You still have a shot at queens (will look at last two years if cgpa isnt high enough) and western (looks at best two years). Both schools require a strong mcat. Info abt admission criteria and gpa weighting can be found on each schools admissions websites

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Thanks a bunch everyone, your input has really helped!

Also, do Med Schools look unfavourably on a fifth year?


No they do not! :) You should do that fifth year with 3/5 senior courses as per Western's requirement (senior courses = mix of third and fourth year courses). Also Western distinguishes between a "special year" (which I believe is a year taken as a non-degree student) vs. just delaying your graduation for a year and continuing on as a degree student. Just keep that in mind.

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No they do not! :) You should do that fifth year with 3/5 senior courses as per Western's requirement (senior courses = mix of third and fourth year courses). Also Western distinguishes between a "special year" (which I believe is a year taken as a non-degree student) vs. just delaying your graduation for a year and continuing on as a degree student. Just keep that in mind.


good points :) always be very careful with the rules for special years vs continue on etc. You don't want to mess up!

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