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Starting studying early!


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(no I'm not a troll)


I'm currently in high school right now(Grade 10) and I was wondering if I started studying profusely for the MCAT right now for 2-3 hours a day for the next 6 years(going by the MCAT 2015 sections, obviously) whether it might be possible for me to get a 40+ on it? I want to be a doctor really bad. The statistics are discouraging. Why waste time now? High school is a joke. I'm getting 98+ in every class without breaking a sweat, so falling behind in my classes isn't a concern. Thank you:)

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Hmm ya Savac is right. If I had time and I was in HS i could think of different ways to spend my time that might eventually help me for med. ECs is a good idea.


Honestly if I could do it again, I would just do a straight med program at a top university in the UK. So I would consider looking into that. If you are super competitive maybe you could do med at oxbridge. I'm sure getting a degree there for medicine would make transferring back to Canada (if that's your ultimate decision) relatively easy.

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No starting right now would be absolutely ridiculous. A strong science student doesn't need more than 2 months to study for this exam. Also, the MCAT will undergo significant changes in 2015 and there is no good prep material as of right now. There are far bigger hurdles than the MCAT exam that you will encounter as a physician.


Forget about anything except improving your study, organizational and soft skills, which will set you up to succeed in university and life. Personal habits and discipline will trump anything you can possible learn right now.

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I wouldnt study for the MCAT in grade 10. Not because you cant but because its not that efficient at this stage. You will be missing too much backgroung knowledge.


However what you SHOULD do is go over the MCAT outlines. Then when you go through that stuff in your highschool classes make note of it and take time to do advanced problems.


For example in Grade 11 physics you will probably cover projectile motion. And projectile motion is somthing that could be on the MCAT. So when it comes up in class and you notice that its an MCAT topic ask your teacher for advanced problems for you to work on.

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