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Another chance question

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Hi everyone,


First: 1.7

Summer: 1.3

Second: 1.52

Summer: 0

Third: 1.33

Placed on academic suspension

Fourth: 3.1

Fifth: 3.95


MCAT: 11/12/11


I've done some international volunteer work, research jobs from work-study, and also been apart some exec student groups on campus.


Is it a pretty dumb decision to do a 6th year and attempt for Queens and Western?


My marks from first three years were terrible because I was having some personal problems, I have documentation from my psychologist but I don't think medical schools will really consider it since I had the option of taking a year but instead I just kept pushing myself and I was ultimately forced to take a year off because my GPA got so low. I am a much better person now and I really want to do this. Is it too late?

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Hi everyone,


First: 1.7

Summer: 1.3

Second: 1.52

Summer: 0

Third: 1.33

Placed on academic suspension

Fourth: 3.1

Fifth: 3.95


MCAT: 11/12/11


I've done some international volunteer work, research jobs from work-study, and also been apart some exec student groups on campus.


Is it a pretty dumb decision to do a 6th year and attempt for Queens and Western?


My marks from first three years were terrible because I was having some personal problems, I have documentation from my psychologist but I don't think medical schools will really consider it since I had the option of taking a year but instead I just kept pushing myself and I was ultimately forced to take a year off because my GPA got so low. I am a much better person now and I really want to do this. Is it too late?


For western it isn't too late - assuming you obeyed all the other rules. I am looking at that 3.95 and wow that is important - was that a year you got 3/5 courses at the 3rd or 4th year? Have you graduated yet? If so when?


That MCAT is very encouraging as well. I just want to confirm the order (forgive the simple check - what is first/second etc - sometime people flip them around from the standard).

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Key things to consider


1) Have you graduated? Was the 5th year part of your degree?

2) Was that 5th year full course load and followed the 3/5 rule?

3) Are you planning to do another year to satisfy the 2 year requirement?

4) If you have not graduated, can you graduate if you are accepted?

5) Have you ever considered doing a 2nd degree if things don't work out?

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I took 5 courses in all 4 years and in my 5th year, I took 6 courses. I took 6 because I had to repeat one of the courses that I failed in earlier years and I know that some medical schools don't count repeated courses towards the full course load. I meet the 3/5 requirement.


MCAT is 11PS/12VS/11BS


I'm just worried that medical schools might think it's ridiculous for me to apply seeing as I've been on academic suspension before... I'm mainly concerned with that. I've lurked the forum a bit and it doesn't seem like I've come across anyone else with as low scores as mine. So I'm just wondering if I still have a shot.

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1. No I haven't graduated yet so the 5th year is apart of my degree.

2. Yes I took 6 courses and made sure that I followed the 3/5 rule.

3. I plan on doing it but I don't know if it's a smart decision. Should I start another degree? Do a masters maybe if I find a way in?

4. I am still missing one more credit, which I plan to take upcoming fall. But I'm still deciding whether I want to take a full course load or just do that one course.

5. Yes, definitely an option. I just don't know what's the best route for me now

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I took 5 courses in all 4 years and in my 5th year, I took 6 courses. I took 6 because I had to repeat one of the courses that I failed in earlier years and I know that some medical schools don't count repeated courses towards the full course load. I meet the 3/5 requirement.


MCAT is 11PS/12VS/11BS


I'm just worried that medical schools might think it's ridiculous for me to apply seeing as I've been on academic suspension before... I'm mainly concerned with that. I've lurked the forum a bit and it doesn't seem like I've come across anyone else with as low scores as mine. So I'm just wondering if I still have a shot.


Ok sounds fair. On the face of it you actually have a good one (carry on and it becomes a great one) - your MCAT scores are great, your VR is very high, and Western only counts your best 2 years. Best of all you can apply right now this year under conditional status.


You will of course need one more year - what are you doing next year? That year is critical.


As for the low scores, a lot of people just don't post them. As for your suspension the question is why - it doesn't sounds like you were guilty of academic misconduct which might be a right flag. Otherwise Western just takes your best 2 years and you already have a nice 3.95 in your back pocket.

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Well for UWO as long as you meet the cutoffs you will get an interview. The interview is closed, which means the interviewer knows nothing about you other than your name and that you meet the cutoff. We don't know how ranking works after interview, but you've got to at least give your self a chance to present yourself if you meet the interview criteria. Bottom line give yourself a chance by completing another year with stellar grades, apply to all the schools that look at 2 years, and prepare well for the interview.

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I would NOT graduate if I were you - just do one more full time year and apply NOW under conditional acceptance rules. Don't start another degree or your 3.95 will be not considered. Get another high GPA year and suddenly you are hitting all the high notes for your application.

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Thank you rmorelan and shikimate!

It's so encouraging to hear that I still have a shot.


No I was suspended because my marks were so low.

I took the year off to travel and reconsider what I was doing and if I really wanted to do medicine, and if I did, why the heck was I doing so poorly. Mainly it was poor study habits and personal problems that I just never addressed.


It just kind of hurts to know what my cGPA can never be recovered.



I will definitely consider applying this upcoming session!

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I will definitely consider applying this upcoming session!


You should apply on OMSAS this cycle. In case you don't know the conditional acceptance thing could just be your life saver. If you apply this cycle don't forget to register for another full year of undergrad following 3/5 rule (also I agree don't graduate, keep this all part of your degree).

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Haha, I guess I wasn't prepared for it to happen so soon. I thought I'd need an extra year before applying, but since it looks like I have a shot at a conditional offer, I'll definitely go for it.


Do you know how often they are given out?


Not sure exactly - the problem is the pool of conditional applicants is pretty small so I cannot give an exact chance of success (there are a few each year) - BUT compared to many of the conditional acceptance people I know your stats are well above average (I guess the WS was optional for you? Did you happen to write that section?). No harm in applying likely - and worst case you get some solid interview practise.

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I got a R but I don't suppose it will be taken into account anymore?


Who knows but doesn't matter in your case as you destroyed that section as well :)


best of luck I say - remember if you are even considering this to create your OMSAS account ASAP. The cut off to create the account is well before the date it is actually due.

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