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Poster presentation accepted in April but presented in June

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I have a poster presented in an international conference this June based on my research work from 2011 till 2013. Needless to say, I think it is an essential part of my ECs and would be very helpful to list. However, the presentation date is after June 1st, although it was accepted back in April. Is there any way to list it? I tried contact the admissions twice today but no one picked up. ARGH....



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4) There is a cutoff date of June 1, 2013 for this section. Do not include future submissions: everything you include must have been accepted for publication or published before June 1, 2013. If you are the author of the abstract and it was accepted before June 1st, 2013 you may include it. The presentation would not be able to be included as it is after the June 1, 2013 cutoff.


That is the reply I got

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"The poster option can be confusing. If you authored or co-authored a poster, please include it in the Research section. Poster presentations go in the non-academic section instead." (taken from the Help guide)


I'm not sure if this is the right place to be asking, but I'm confused as to what the difference is between a poster and a poster presentation? Could somebody please explain?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't authored or presented a poster, but the way I understand this is you split the entire poster experience into two entries. The first entry is authoring the poster (which belongs in the research section) and the second is presenting the poster (in the non-academic section under a category of your choice). To enter both experiences, you must have authored and presented by the June 1st cutoff, otherwise you can only enter the authoring part. I suppose the reasoning behind this set-up is doing the research/authoring/co-authoring is one experience while attending a conference and presenting your research is another. Having two entries gives you a chance to talk about both to a greater extent.

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what about oral presentations? Doesn't seem to have an option under research section. Abstract maybe?


You should put your oral presentation in the non-academic activities section. i've spoken to someone at UBC about this - you should list all poster/oral presentations under the non-academic activities section. You should not list posters under the research publications category if you have presented. You only list posters there if you authored but DID NOT present it.

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I haven't authored or presented a poster, but the way I understand this is you split the entire poster experience into two entries. The first entry is authoring the poster (which belongs in the research section) and the second is presenting the poster (in the non-academic section under a category of your choice). To enter both experiences, you must have authored and presented by the June 1st cutoff, otherwise you can only enter the authoring part. I suppose the reasoning behind this set-up is doing the research/authoring/co-authoring is one experience while attending a conference and presenting your research is another. Having two entries gives you a chance to talk about both to a greater extent.


You mean we can split the poster publication and presentation into two separate activities although they are part of the same category "research"? This is your own opinion right or has someone confirmed this from the admission folks?

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You mean we can split the poster publication and presentation into two separate activities although they are part of the same category "research"? This is your own opinion right or has someone confirmed this from the admission folks?


That is my opinion which is based on reading a few of the responses from admissions posted in this thread and the information in the help guide. I figured I would try to help by sharing my perspective even though this topic doesn't directly affect me. Since I don't have any research publications/posters, I haven't talked directly to admissions about this :). There is a table in the help guide on page 15 that states poster presentations belong in the non-academic section while a poster you authored or co-authored belongs in the research section; therefore, only one falls under the research category. I'm not completely confident that you can enter a single poster in both of these sections simultaneously (ie. if you authored and presented it) or if they want you to choose one or the other. I assume they wouldn't limit you to one entry in this situation but I haven't read anything explicitly stateing so. Furthermore, submitting an entry in each section for the same poster can't hurt your chances as the worst-case scenario is you don't get credit for one of them.


I hope I'm helping and not just adding to the confusion!!! :o


You should put your oral presentation in the non-academic activities section. i've spoken to someone at UBC about this - you should list all poster/oral presentations under the non-academic activities section. You should not list posters under the research publications category if you have presented. You only list posters there if you authored but DID NOT present it.

Looks like he's got the answer. Not sure why UBC wasn't more clear about this in their help guide.... Good luck with it everyone!!

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