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Interview help!


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Hi All,


I am looking for professional help to prepare for panel style/MMI interviews. I am located in Toronto. Any med student/ company/individual interested? I would like to have one on one practice on a weekly basis. Also. I have read about MD consultants, anybody has feedback on them?

Thanks so much!

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99% of us do just fine without paying consultants. In fact, many of us walk in to the MMI to have fun, which we do. You need to be reasonably relaxed and comfortable in your own skin, flexible, personable and an ethical thinker able to solve problems. See my sticky, the link is in my signature below.

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I agree with you. Personally, I am not at all a good talker. I did interview at 3 places last year and I know I did horribly at those. I need a lot of practice!


That's fair - practise can help some people certainly! does TO's premed club do anything like that? As FD pointed out those consultants can be extremely expensive - 70-100 dollars an hour is common.


makes you wonder why more med students/resisdents don't do that :)

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I'm in the pretty much exact position as the OP (0 for 3 interviews). Are there any successful applicants who went from rejections in interviews to acceptance that could share what resources/services/etc they used to improve? I would also like feedback on consultants. It seems expensive, but cheaper than having to apply again next year.

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