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Decent everything but verbal 7, should I apply?


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Hi guys,


I just got very bad news today with my MCAT score (7V/12P/11B). This is my second time trying the MCAT and verbal has always been my weakness. While I will definitely apply for the schools that accept verbal 7 and those that do not require MCAT, should I give it a try for the others (say, Queens, Western, Toronto, etc.). Would these schools consider a 7 in verbal at all?


I have a 3.95 GPA with good ECs (not stellar but I got interview from Ottawa before). I am a fourth year Ontario applicant.


Thanks a lot for helping!

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It's possible for Toronto, but not for Queens and Western.





Minimum scores of 9 in each section and N on the writing sample are required of all applicants.

Marks below these minimums will jeopardise the success of the application.

We use the MCAT as a flag only, and as such marks higher than the minimums do not improve the chances of the application.


The MCAT is a flag, or “screen” in our process. It is not part of our overall academic scoring. We just use it to make sure that an applicant has the basic level of knowledge necessary for success in our medical program. The score of “9″ is approximately the 50th percentile, so a very “middle of the road” score. Applicants who have achieved this score or more in all numeric sections (plus at least an “N” in the writing sample) will move on to the next stage of our application assessment.


Scores below the minimum are a problem. However, as we’ve stated here and elsewhere, scoring one below in one section, so long as it is not the biological sciences section, will not result in your application being automatically screened out.


If you have more than one score at one below the minimum, or one score at 2 below or more, then your chances for moving forward in our process are slim.


It’s as simple as that. That’s why we publish a minimum requirement.


That being said, our stats, as published on our website, do show that it is possible to be admitted to our program with a 7. These are exceptional cases, where something compelling elsewhere in the application has been considered to compensate for the low MCAT score. These cases are extremely few and uncommon. And no one was admitted with the combined lowest MCAT of 7/7/M/8.


Please do not ask us to guess if your application will make it through our initial screen with a 7 in verbal reasoning (or whatever). We can’t and don’t guess. We have to see your application in context of the applicant pool in order to determine if an exception to our minimum requirements should be made.

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