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After undergrad


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Hey all,


I am debating what I should do after finishing my undergrad. I want to do a masters (whether its 1 or 2 years) OR do a 5th year in my undergrad and improve my gpa. My end goal is med school but dont think I'll get accepted applying in 4th year. Please share opinions below.


Also if you think masters is a good idea, which one do you recommend best prepares you for md?


Lmk! :)

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Hey all,


I am debating what I should do after finishing my undergrad. I want to do a masters (whether its 1 or 2 years) OR do a 5th year in my undergrad and improve my gpa. My end goal is med school but dont think I'll get accepted applying in 4th year. Please share opinions below.


Also if you think masters is a good idea, which one do you recommend best prepares you for md?


Lmk! :)




we need to know why you think you won't get in. Low GPA? Low MCAT? No ECs?


You need to target your approach to correct the underlying issue. A masters doesn't correct a low GPA for instance very well.

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After your 2.1 GPA in 1st year, how did you do in 2nd year? It appears you were lacking in motivation from your earlier posts. Have you had a turnaround? You need to be self-motivated and to work hard and smart in academics toward your goal.


In college, I was a mediocre student. When I entered undergrad, with my eye on medicine, I made the decision to live with no regrets, to give it my best shot and developed a strong work ethic. Literally, I had no social life during undergrad, I treated my studies as my fulltime profession, I was highly motivated, reached burnout my the end of every semester, but I became a straight A student and got into medicine on my first try. What I am telling you is that I created a plan, executed it, was relentless in the pursuit of the goal and achieved my dream.


You seem to be having problems that continued beyond first year. What are your specific problems? Why are you not achieving the academic success required to be a competitive candidates? Are you interested in your program? Should you go to counseling for effective studying & note taking techniques that would fulfill your needs? Do you have distractions? Are you able to handle ECs/volunteering during the academic year?


You should not be planning on a Masters at this stage of the game, and as rmorelan mentioned this won't be a substitute for a non-competitive undergrad GPA. As rmorelan said, we need to know the underlying issues.


Most importantly, do you have a Plan B? Highly competitive candidates are refused entry routinely and all applicants need a Plan B. For example, my undergrad studies were in healthcare and included two interships with patients or clients, and I had the option to go into an applied Masters in OT or PT, or to do a research masters.

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