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Research Question


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I just started my first year of University at McGill and I am about to start inquiring professors about research opportunities.


Should I aim to try to find one professor and stick with their lab for the next three years, or try to get a few of them at once? I know med schools want to see commitment, so I don't really want to flip-flop between research labs over the next semesters.


What are the types of questions I should ask to ensure that they will continue to maintain positions available for the next few years? Since I have just started my specific program courses, what kind of things will they have me do in the lab? If I am just helping out in the first few semesters, will I have a better chance at getting a larger role in the lab once I gain some experience (hopefully to shoot towards some sort of publication?)


Sorry about the scattered thoughts!



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i have a question about research and i didn't want to make a new thread so i will just post here.


i got a job in a psych lab for this year. really cool prof/study and i'm paid for doing it. it's only up to 8 hours a week though and it depends how many people come so probably like 5ish hours a week on average.


however, i got a volunteer position in my #1 choice lab (i contacted them both this summer and never got a repply from the other until yesterday). i would lovelovelove to volunteer there because it's about neurosciences, i hope i could get a position next year in his lab (maybe doing more stuff) and i want this prof to be my thesis supervisor so i feel totally stupid to miss this opportunity.


do you think it would be okay to work/volunteer in 2 different lab during the same year ? (like, it wouldn't be more than 15hours a week max anyway but i'm scared since it's not very diverse.. i have other ECs but still..)

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