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If a school states that it requires a 4-year degree (nosm an uwo), do they mean the equivalent of a normally four year degree or do they mean they want to see 4 full years of courses. For example if I'm doing a second ug and because of advanced standing can do it in 2 or 3 years does it still count as a "4-year" degree. I ask because uwo changed there requirements from an honours degree to a 4 year degree.

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for NOSM, if it's a second degree, as long as the university awards a new degree that is normally a 4 year degree then it's ok (or 3 year for mature students). UWO requires an equivalent of a 4 year degree but it can be less than that with transfer credits, as long as it's at least 2 full-time years (5 courses per semester) and you satisfy course level requirements.

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If a school states that it requires a 4-year degree (nosm an uwo), do they mean the equivalent of a normally four year degree or do they mean they want to see 4 full years of courses. For example if I'm doing a second ug and because of advanced standing can do it in 2 or 3 years does it still count as a "4-year" degree. I ask because uwo changed there requirements from an honours degree to a 4 year degree.


yeah that change was because what an honours degree actually was confused pretty much everyone :)


For your second degree western will let you complete it in less than 4 years if transfer credits are being used. I do however ALWAYS recommend contacting the school to make sure they know exactly what you are doing and can point out any flaws.

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