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Rose colored glasses off ...

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I remember as a premed how medical school seemed like a dream ... how great life would be once I got into medical school? I thought.


Much of first year is much like a dream. You have to pinch yourself every now and then amazed that you are living the realization of your dream of medical school and eventual practice as a physician.


Much of first year many of us felt like imposters, "Do we belong here?" ... in second year you have proven yourself to be able to handle preclerkship with some marks to prove your competence. However the romance of medical school, at least the preclerkship format, has faded for me.


Not sure how many years it has been like that but I recall the 2nd years having an exam in the new year necessitating holiday studying. I hoped it would change by 'my time' but here I am studying at 10:35 pm during my holiday break. The romance is over, the rosy colored glasses are off. I wonder what it must be like to be my brother who is playing some retro-NES and SNES games in the basement while I am trying to memorize the coagulation cascade or what it must be like to be my parents enjoying a day off watching 3 movies in a row while I am going over the principles of plasma transfusions.


Oh well, most of the time I find my journey wonderous but this holiday season I am not so enchanted with school. But I was reminded when hanging out with my best friend and his girlfriend, both teachers who were both contemplating career changes while I was perfectly happy with what I was going to become. Everything else just seemed uninteresting to me ... so perhaps I should get back into the books with more enthusiasm and wonder.



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Thanks for the update Beef!

I don't know where in Northern Ontario you are currently but it's been very cold lately so studying isn't actually all that bad(as compared to a break where we've had nice weather, we've broken record lows the past few days in my hometown)

Beyond that is studying over the break not a "transition" to the real world? Where one may not get time off during the holiday season?

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Thanks for the update Beef!

I don't know where in Northern Ontario you are currently but it's been very cold lately so studying isn't actually all that bad(as compared to a break where we've had nice weather, we've broken record lows the past few days in my hometown)

Beyond that is studying over the break not a "transition" to the real world? Where one may not get time off during the holiday season?


well in most professions you do actually have more predictability and actually do get holidays off :) (although as residents in particular you do miss a lot of holidays and that will dapper down a bit in many areas when you become staff)


Just goes along the line that doctors do work a lot of hours.

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Actually I am on the East Coast visiting family, though there have been plenty of temperature dips here as well where being inside is actually preferable to being outside.


I cant comment on the transition to the real world for physicians. I suppose it is specialty and location specific as to what responsibilities one would have over holidays.


The one up side though is when my parents had company over I was able to excuse myself after 20-30 minutes stating I needed to study when in fact I just didnt want to socialize and would rather hit the books. So everyone outside of medicine forgives medical students/medical professionals for not being social because "we must be busy or need to study" even when we dont have to :)


Thanks for the update Beef!

I don't know where in Northern Ontario you are currently but it's been very cold lately so studying isn't actually all that bad(as compared to a break where we've had nice weather, we've broken record lows the past few days in my hometown)

Beyond that is studying over the break not a "transition" to the real world? Where one may not get time off during the holiday season?

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Well you are lucky then, it's dipped below -50 the past few days (with the wind) here. Even being born and raised in the North, -50 is cold!

@rmorelan You are correct but at the same time some physicians do need to work holidays. My personal opinion on Holidays are that it's not about the day itself rather than being with your family, which can wait for when you are off/availible.


It is funny that they would set up the curriculum so that you need to study during the "break".

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