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Dismissed from Residency - what to do

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm simultaneously appealing this decision of dismissal and looking into the second round of CaRMS at the same time.


If I somehow get a spot in something in the second round I'll take it no matter what (I think). If I did get a spot in something in the second round I don't see what would be the point of fighting this dismissal anyhow since I don't even want to be in the program. I had thought fighting it to stay in the program would make it easier to transfer out. However, all the FM programs I've contacted have said they're full and aren't taking transfers. Given that I'd have to transfer out of province to a FM program, having funding in this province wouldn't matter any ways or make it any easier since my funding doesn't carry out of province I understand.


Although having this dismissal off my record entirely would be ideal as I'd think it would make for awkward interview conversations and issues with future licencing, etc.




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