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Second Iteration Process


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Does anyone know what the process if for second iteration?


Once the unfilled positions are posted, you apply to the programs you want, and then what happens?


Do they review ALL applications?


Do they send out interviews or is like the scramble in the US? Are those face-to-face interviews?



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Does anyone know what the process if for second iteration?


Once the unfilled positions are posted, you apply to the programs you want, and then what happens?


Do they review ALL applications?


Do they send out interviews or is like the scramble in the US? Are those face-to-face interviews?




From the CMG perspective it is very much like the first round only faster. Sometimes the interviews are in person but considering the fast turn around time it is also possible to have to phone interviews etc in place of the more standard interview. They will review the applications just like before but of course may screen some out early on if there is something they don't like.


You have very little time to prepare for the second route - everything is accelerated.

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Thanks for you reply.


Well I am an IMG, is that significantly different? My application should speak of itself. I am just worried that they don't review all applications.


The other thing I am having trouble understanding is how come there are programs that end up with unfilled positions after the 1st cycle. You'd think with all these people applying they would. I mean, don't get me wrong. For those of us only applying to the second cycle, its a good thing there are unfilled spots. Im just trying to understand how it works



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