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You guys ever feel overwhelmed?

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I'm not sure from your post why you feel overwhelmed and depressed, but I can definitely relate! I think those feelings, at least for me, stem from a need to excel in everything I do. Even though it's great to want to excel at everything, a perfectionist attitude can actually backfire... If you're anything like this, remember that high expectations are important, but it is also vital to get your hands and feet dirty once in awhile. Mistakes are actually the best teachers -- they will lead to success but only if you have the right perspective.


Remember to take a break from the daily grind, work out or do what ever it is that will help rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. ;)


It also helps to find fill your head with lots of positive ideas and remember WHY you are working so hard. Don't forget your reasons!


Some of my favorite inspirational youtube vids:



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I found 1st and 2nd year stressful and annoying, while third year (current year) to be much more fulfilling and exciting.


You're probably going to be overwhelmed for the rest of your life. Stop right now and realize that none of the 'worst case scenarios' to any of your worries would end up in illness or death. And that's what matters.


In short, quit being a wuss. (I say that as a fellow wuss).

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Don't worry about money. Don't buy new cars or luxury cars or designer clothes and you should be ok.


Try to find some outlet for stress. I know for me personally, exercise is a good one. I think it's great for most people, since as a preclerk, you spend so much time on your ass reading, so getting up to get your blood flowing for 30-60 minutes in the evening is very helpful. You will, ironically, feel more rested and have more energy. Your sleep will be better, too.


Schedule time for fun activities and meeting up with family/friends on a regular basis.

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Medical training is in part designed to desensitize you to stress. This my done by increasing the stress gradually over time. Just as you get comfortable with a certain degree of stress it will be ramped up further. Living on the "edge" of stress is well ingrained in the culture.


Lots about medical school is great. Lots about medical school sucks. At the end you will be better than you would have been because of both the good and the bad.

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