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Not so weak weaknesses


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Does anyone have any thoughts on how to describes one's weaknesses without guaranteeing one's rejection? While I realize that weaknesses are extremely individual, any general advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Guest grandmellon

Hey IB, I think what they are looking for when they ask you what your weaknesses is the ability you have to show that you can analyze your own behaviours and character. So with that being said, it don't think it really matters what the weakness is, just that you can show that you have identified it and are working towards making it better. ;)

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I see what you are saying grandmellon, but do you really think it doesn't matter?

Hypothetically speaking say you provided procrastination as your weakness. Don't you think the interviewer would see that as a textbook answer? Okay so you decide to be honest and reveal that at times you have a short temper? Would you want to admit another Dr. Romano to your med school? Maybe I'm paranoid but I really see this as a loaded question.

Please keep the thoughts coming!!



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Guest Emila

I think your weaknesses shouldn't be anything that the school lists as a quality they look for in an applicant (they usually have a list on their website of these qualities). Your weakness has to be something you are improving. For example, you could say your weakness is public speaking. Then say you've been trying to get more opportunities at public speaking so that you can improve or maybe you've been practicing in front of a mirror or getting feedback on your speeches from others. (I think a lot of people use public speaking as a weakness so that's probably not a very personal one to use)


I also think it's good to give an anecdote from your life. In this case, tell of a time when you gave a speech and it didn't go so well and what you want to change about it (you could say this before you tell them how you're working on improving).


In general, I think it's easier to demonstrate that you're improving a skill rather than a personality trait.


I hope this helps.

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Guest BCgirl

Hey Irnbrud,


I would try to stay away from the "textbook" answers for weaknesses (procrastination, perfectionist, etc.). For Dal's application, one of the essays asks you to write about your weaknesses... I decided to not give a bs answer and wrote about how I have a bit of a temper and gave an example of when I lost it... but I tried to give it a bit of a positive spin (I said something about being able to admit when I'm wrong and apologize). I've already been accepted to Dal, so maybe they appreciated that I gave them an actual weakness and not some line of bs.

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For some reason whenever I hear that word I think of David Koresh, you know the leader of the Waco cult? Now if I were interviewing that would be a really really bad weakness. :rollin


No honestly, thanks for the suggestions



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