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The MMI tests the following areas:

Ethical Decision Making

Critical Thinking

Communication Skills

Current Canadian Healthcare and Societal Issues


I'm going to read the "Doing Right" book to prepare for the ethical decision making part, but how can I practice for the other three? Any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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The MMI tests the following areas:

Ethical Decision Making

Critical Thinking

Communication Skills

Current Canadian Healthcare and Societal Issues


I'm going to read the "Doing Right" book to prepare for the ethical decision making part, but how can I practice for the other three? Any tips would be much appreciated! Thanks!


There are a number of ways to boost your critical thinking and communication skills. I would recommend practicing as much as possible with interview-like questions. Doing Right, in my opinion, is an excellent way to start. What I did to prep for interviews was to ACTIVELY read the book. When you get to each individual situation: read the prompt, then give yourself some time to think about it. Give yourself a lot of time at first, maybe even research the topic, but really make sure you're using your noggin. When you're satisfied that you've adequately thought about the issue, just start talking out loud. You'll probably be very disorganized and all over the map about your main argument and how you present it, but that's stuff to work on as you go.


After a while, try to give yourself less and less time to think about the prompt (2 minutes is what you want to shoot for in the end). Then try to shape your answers in a progressively more organized fashion. You will be a good judge of how well you answer the question(s), but it's better to practice with a friend, acquaintance, etc. because they can likely be more objective and constructively critical - which will help you in the end.


After narrowing down your arguing style, try to formulate answers in 6-8 minutes (depending on how long your desired school's MMI stations are). Timing should be the last thing to worry about though. I would try to err on the side of finishing before time is up to allow for your interviewer to ask you follow up questions, or to make the interview a little more interactive.


As far as knowledge of the healthcare system goes in Canada, the internet is an excellent resource. I honestly found Wikipedia to have some good articles, but I would also recommend looking at various provinces' College of Physicians and Surgeons websites as well as other Health Canada/government websites. For example: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/medi-assur/index-eng.php


Happy interview prep!

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