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ABS sketch research - honours thesis??

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Hey there! Does anyone know if an honours thesis is acceptable for a top 3 sketch item under research. I believe it says not to include a project as part of mandatory coursework so Im wondering if this includes honours thesis? Anyone know or any past applicants aware? Thanks! :)

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I wouldn't include it unless it was published, it led to a poster presentation or an abstract from it.

I have friends who compelted their honours thesis in a week and it was rubbish, and others who hauled ass for 8 months.

There really is no objective criteria for judging mandatory degree components unless it was presented/published somewhere.

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  • 1 year later...

did it get marked for your grade? I know some thesis students do either an oral presentation, or the poster, but its part of the mark. if that is the case, then no. I am only using my thesis project when I submitted an abstract to present at an external undergraduate conference as an item, not the actual 8 months of research which was a course, and not the oral presentation I gave at the end. 

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I think you can basically do what you want as long as it's reasonable. I've seen people post here about getting accepting after listing something under research that OMSAS explicits states should not be included under research. At the end of the day I don't think they care that much, you just don't want to stretch anything that really (according to reality) doesn't belong on there.


Personally I listed my thesis work even though it says not to, and got an interview. Go figure

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I agree with NotASerialKiller - you can pretty much list whatever you want, and they will judge it accordingly. I'm an older applicant so my "top 3" ABS for each category was almost exclusively post-undergraduate, even though they seem to emphasize that your ABS should only contain items from your undergrad.


I also listed my honours thesis somewhere in there under research (which for me was 10 years ago) and it was likely one of my top three because I don't think I listed more than 3 in that section.


And I had an interview.

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Sure enough you both might have gotten an interview, but your GPAs and other ECs might have carrier the rest of the application, no way to be sure. As for John, I mean as a non-traditional applicant, I think they have to give some leeway. And as always, we are not adcom, so we will never 100% be sure of what they do xD.

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Looking through the manual now, I swear I remember reading something on it or on Ottawa's site and having my heart sink because I already had 2 things from high school by accident, and thus potentially losing on 3 different sections. I know their site has since changed so maybe that portion changed, I looked at it earlier. Possibly was post OMSAS/MCAT fever lol.

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Here we go: 

I am confused by Ottawa’s requirements for the research component of the sketch. Can I include school research projects in this section?

Research projects included in the sketch should be projects completed independent of formal studies. If they form part of the mandatory components of an applicant’s program, they will not be scored.


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Here we go: 

I am confused by Ottawa’s requirements for the research component of the sketch. Can I include school research projects in this section?

Research projects included in the sketch should be projects completed independent of formal studies. If they form part of the mandatory components of an applicant’s program, they will not be scored.



In the OMSAS employment section it says to include graduate/honours thesis work in the research section, so I believe it's allowed. Just make sure you clearly label the fact that it's your honours thesis then let the schools decide from there.

See my interpretation of this is not to include school projects, since they explicitly state they won't be scored. I'm sure there's plenty of stories of people who have included them, and gotten interviews, because they just wouldn't score it. It's not going to disqualify someone entirely. 


The conclusion I've drawn about Ottawa would be don't include something from school, like a thesis, at the expense of something NOT part of a school course. Then you'd clearly be losing points. However since many people don't have >3 research projects from undergrad alone, if you have blanks, there isn't any harm in listing it if it makes you feel better. But I just wouldn't list something they might not score, over things they would score, if you have more than 3 items 

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