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Do- Kcumb Application Invitation

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I've recently received an email from KCUMB inviting me to apply as they would give me fast-tracked admissions

decision for 2ndaries, and priority consideration for interview spots and scholarships.

I wasn't really aware of DO schools, and didn't apply to any US med schools this year.


Currently, I have applied to Canadian schools and I would say my stats are quite mediocre. 

MCAT: PS 10 VR 10 BS 12 (32)


last 2 yrs: 3.98

(science GPA would be higher as I have a year of business courses)


I'm studying the DAT to take in 3 weeks to apply to dentistry in Canada as an alternative path.


I just wanted to ask if anyone else has experience with applying to KCUMB and this priority status.

Would it give me a good shot at acceptance?

Also, what are their financial policies? If I were to attend, Would I be able to get a LOC to fund my education? (My parents are not rich)


I'm not sure if its worth starting the AACOMAS application, as I have work, volunteering and the DAT to study for.

I also would have difficulty finding a physician for a letter of reference in time (the deadline to apply is Oct 31 for priority status)


However, if I wasn't accepted to any Canadian schools, I wouldn't mind practicing medicine in the states.

I would rather attend a DO school, than to have to reapply next year to all other US MD schools and wait another year.


Any advice would be appreciated,



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Well, with your current stats, even if it wasn't in the priority pool, you would easily get into a DO school *somewhere*. Yes you can get LOC from Canadian banks for going to a US DO school. Look at their prereq and see if they want a MD or DO letter, you can get away with a MD letter if that is what you want. But it is up to you to get a LOR from a doctor whether MD or DO.

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Well, with your current stats, even if it wasn't in the priority pool, you would easily get into a DO school *somewhere*. Yes you can get LOC from Canadian banks for going to a US DO school. Look at their prereq and see if they want a MD or DO letter, you can get away with a MD letter if that is what you want. But it is up to you to get a LOR from a doctor whether MD or DO.

I got this email too today, is it not too late in the game to apply though? I thought applications have been going on since June, does this mean there is still a reasonable shot for me to get in if I applied soon? 9/9/9 MCAT, 3.4 cgpa, 3.33 sgpa (2 bachelors, 3.1 in 1st one, 4.0 in second one; 1st author pub, poster presentations, lots of research, worked as a medical assistant - lots of shadowing, etc..)

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I got this email too today, is it not too late in the game to apply though? I thought applications have been going on since June, does this mean there is still a reasonable shot for me to get in if I applied soon? 9/9/9 MCAT, 3.4 cgpa, 3.33 sgpa (2 bachelors, 3.1 in 1st one, 4.0 in second one; 1st author pub, poster presentations, lots of research, worked as a medical assistant - lots of shadowing, etc..)

Much better to have applied in June. But, it's impossible to tell whether you'll get any interviews or not without trying.

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