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Yukon Applicants Roll Call

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MUN only has one Yukon spot, and we don't actually have a Yukon classmate this year, though that is because someone was offered a place and they decided to go to BC instead  :P I'm not sure if they were the only applicant or the only one who was offered acceptance/wait-list last year though, so I'm afraid I can't be any real help  :(  But that average obviously isn't too much of a downer, because you got an interview! So good luck though, and give it your all!

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Rural doesn't help with getting an interview, and according to the admissions committee doesn't help with being offered a place or not even if you are interviewed.


Chances are slim, even as a BC (Yukon) resident, but way better than they used to be. Calgary will also give you a good shot. NOSM could be a good bet but they are pretty competitive too. Alberta seems to be pretty heavy on the GPA. Saskatchewan has changed their criteria recently and I don't know how it works anymore.


I can't believe there was no MUN Yukoner this year! Really? I didn't apply because I thought it was a competitive spot! 


I got my GPA up as a YT applicant by taking correspondence courses. I spent days and days in the YCollege library pulling off A+s. I think I got it up to 82-83% or so?


OP, feel free to PM me if you want more info. Do you know about the FB page for YT applicants?


Edited to add- just saw the word Yukon and didn't even notice that this was n the MUN subforum. I know virtually nothing about the MUN process. 

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