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School List Help Please


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Hey guys!

I made a school list and was wondering if anyone could take a look at it, and tell me if I should add or remove any schools. I started off at 63 schools, and narrowed it down to 45. However, I didn't know what other schools I should remove to narrow down the list further, because I didn't want to apply to too little schools and end up not getting accepted anywhere

These are my stats:
3.87 cGPA
3.86 sGPA

32 MCAT (12 PS/ 8 VR/ 12 BS)


  • ~230 hours volunteering (in a hospital and another health clinic)
  • Lab research (1 semesters worth)
  • A lot of leadership roles
  • Varsity athlete in highschool
  • Many recreational sports currently
  • Been playing guitar for 11 years, and many other instruments
  • Own and operate a recording studio (and record other musicians)
  • And a few other things

Here is my school list:

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Boston University School of Medicine
Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Emory University School of Medicine (Low number matriculated)
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Howard University College of Medicine
Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans
Mayo Medical School
Medical College of Wisconsin
Meharry Medical College
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
New York Medical College
New York University School of Medicine
Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (0 Canadians Matriculated)
Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (0 Canadians Matriculated)
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
State University of New York Upstate Medical University
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Tulane University School of Medicine
University of California, Davis, School of Medicine
University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences The Pritzker School of Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine
University of Connecticut School of Medicine
University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine
University of Illinois College of Medicine
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
University of Louisville School of Medicine
University of Maryland School of Medicine
University of Minnesota Medical School
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine
University of Texas Medical School at Houston
University of Utah School of Medicine
University of Virginia School of Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Weil Cornell Medical College
West Virginia University School of Medicine

Thank-you so much for all of your help guys!


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Just my 2 cents,


1. Add Case Western, a lot of my friends and myself interviewed and accepted to this school.


2. Never remove these schools from your list, Albert Einstein, Jefferson, Penn State, SUNY-upstate, Kentucky, Virginia, Wayne State, Oakland, NYMC.


3. Check each schools' website, make sure they accept Canadian.

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Just my 2 cents,


1. Add Case Western, a lot of my friends and myself interviewed and accepted to this school.


2. Never remove these schools from your list, Albert Einstein, Jefferson, Penn State, SUNY-upstate, Kentucky, Virginia, Wayne State, Oakland, NYMC.


3. Check each schools' website, make sure they accept Canadian.

Thanks for the Advice!


By Vriginia, do you mean University of Virginia School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, West Virginia University School of Medicine (or all 3)? Also, do you recommend I add Case Western even if my MCAT is a 32? Because on the MSAR, the median MCAT for that school is 36?


Also, this is my updated list, do you have any suggestions on schools that I should add or remove?


Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

Central Michigan University College of Medicine

Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Georgetown University School of Medicine

Medical College of Wisconsin

Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

New York Medical College

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

Saint Louis University School of Medicine

Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University

State University of New York Upstate Medical University

The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Tulane University School of Medicine

University of Kentucky College of Medicine

University of Maryland School of Medicine

University of Minnesota Medical School

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Wayne State University School of Medicine

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They meant virginia commonwealth, they are fairly international friendly. Add hawaii



Even if your MCAT is lower, you never know, so just throw it in. You only want to have to apply once and get it over with (Y)

Thanks for the advice! I added both of those schools :)

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Your second list is a very good list. Since you already have some Ivy schools, why not Case Western?

Thanks :) And I didn't add it initially becasue my MCAT was 32 but on MSAR it said the medial MCAT for Case Western was 36. However, after reading the advice on this thread, I added it to my list :)


Do you know of any other schools which I should add?


And thanks for all of your help! :D

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Amcas is my backup plan, my first choice is Omsas. I only applied to handful Amcas MD schools within 10 hours driving from Ottawa, most my friends are on the same boat, so I have limited info. Case Western has 3 tracks when you get to second application. the 4 year MD university track maybe the same like Brown and Dartmouth average 33 or 34 MCAT. The 5 year college track are FREE tuition for everyone accepted may have much higher MCAT near 40. The 8 year MD/PhD maybe 38 or 37 average. you pay one application fee to apply 1, 2 or 3 tracks. I think you have better chance at Case Western than Brown and Dartmouth.

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Amcas is my backup plan, my first choice is Omsas. I only applied to handful Amcas MD schools within 10 hours driving from Ottawa, most my friends are on the same boat, so I have limited info. Case Western has 3 tracks when you get to second application. the 4 year MD university track maybe the same like Brown and Dartmouth average 33 or 34 MCAT. The 5 year college track are FREE tuition for everyone accepted may have much higher MCAT near 40. The 8 year MD/PhD maybe 38 or 37 average. you pay one application fee to apply 1, 2 or 3 tracks. I think you have better chance at Case Western than Brown and Dartmouth.

I didn't know about that. Thanks a lot for the info! :D


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I would take Brown off the list in favour of NYU. Brown admits most of its kids through their undergrad Program in Liberal Medical Education. So, it ends up being like 4000 people or whatever the number is applying for the 50 spots in their class that aren't already occupied by those students. NYU interviews 11% of applicants, is still a top 20 school and if you get in, you can always opt for a 3 year MD.

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I would take Brown off the list in favour of NYU. Brown admits most of its kids through their undergrad Program in Liberal Medical Education. So, it ends up being like 4000 people or whatever the number is applying for the 50 spots in their class that aren't already occupied by those students. NYU interviews 11% of applicants, is still a top 20 school and if you get in, you can always opt for a 3 year MD.

Never knew there's 3 years MD in USA, thanks the info.

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Can't imagine anyone going for a non-primary care speciality would want to go for a 3 yr MD in the US, given the board exams and time needed to make a competitive app down south.That would seem like suicide. Generally, 3 yr MDs are being pushed to help fill the gap in primary care roles, I believe one accelerated program specifically has a requirement to apply only to linked FM programs. Don't have links avail as I just recall reading along those lines.

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LMAO. Sorry. Yeah. You make a good point, a 3 year MD would make it a little difficult to rock the match. Studying for step I, publishing, shadowing and kicking ass on clerkship are arduous enough as it is. I forgot to mention the most important part of the NYU 3-yr option. Basically, if you're accepted in the 4 year pathway, you can apply for the 3 year program. You select a residency program and you interview with the residency director in April. If you're in, board scores, pubs, etc, don't matter. You're guaranteed a spot in the NYU residency you chose from day 1. At my interview they mentioned that you'd be allowed to switch provided there's an available spot in the other residency program, or opt out later on and go with a 4 year MD instead. They also mentioned that they're trying to add an opt-in option that would allow you to do the 3 year option after first year if you figured out it was what you wanted.

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