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What Would A 4 Year Undergraduate Do For Context/northern Status?

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Should students interested in the Northern Ontario School of Medicine be applying to Laurentian or Lakehead University for their pre-med qualifications?

"Both Laurentian and Lakehead Universities offer a range of high quality university programs that would provide excellent preparation for admission to the medical school. Choosing a northern university for undergraduate studies might be one way that students can demonstrate their interest in studying and working in Northern Ontario. However, place of undergraduate studies is only one of many indicators of a student's interest in the North".


Straight from the website :)

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I agree with rachel_RN. Studying at a university like Lakehead, Laurentien, Nippissing, etc. is one way to positively affect your context score, but it is not by any means the only way. NOSM's context score is somewhat of a black box, although it is safe to assume that the more experience you have living, working, and/or studying in a remote/rural environment, the higher your context score for NOSM will be. I wouldn't hang your hat on studying at a university in Northern Ontario though. Try to think of additional ways that you can demonstrate to NOSM that you are truly interesting in working in Northern Ontario or a rural/remote location elsewhere in Canada. The social accountability mandate really succinctly reflects what NOSM is all about (in my opinion).

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Yes, rachel_RN, I did read that (I do my research and I have read the entire website).


I just wanted to pick the brains of people more familiar with the context scoring at NOSM on what this would do to the application. I have heard that you only really have "Northern status" after 5 years of residence in a northern community, so I was wondering if people had any more information on that.


I did read the website. I was just looking to see if anyone could say anything further. Thanks.

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According to these statistics, http://www.nosm.ca/classprofiles/, 100% of the people who attended NOSM for the past several years were either from Northern Ontario or from rural and remote areas in other areas of Canada. I know they say they consider those who show experiences that show strong interest in working in the North, but the statistics tell a different story (for who actually gets accepted).

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I think if you got involved in your community while studying in the north that would really help and show interest. And honestly if you are living there for four years you often become quite attached :). Network, volunteer, join some programs, become part of the community. You will be fine. 

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Beef wrote this in the sticky 

"I was told that at 5 years you are given certain number of points and after 10 years you get more. That is too simplified given the fact that it is a complex algorithm suggesting you would get additional points/scoring given even incremental increases in northern residence and rural residence".

It's really hard to give any sort of concrete feedback other than be genuine and you will be recognized for it

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That is correct, I believe you get a maximum context score (for geography) when you have lived in the north for 10 or more years. I am unaware whether 4 years of doing an undergrad was equivalent to 4 years of high school or working. From what I know I would think not but that is purely speculation. 

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From the understanding I have, which has been mentioned, your context score does not increase from doing your undergrad in the north though it can certainly show an interest in the north and can be used in your sketches and interview discussion and doing community work and other activities in a northern community could be in you autobiographical sketch listing. So not context but elsewhere. This is anecdotal from conversations I have had over the years and of course is not confirmed on their website. As with anything these things are fluid, like the trial of Casper, so admissions is ever changing.


Good luck. Hope to run into some of you as 1st and 2nd years on east campus next year as I'll be puttering around living at the Sudbury campus as a 4th year student.



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