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What Are My Chances? (Md Or Do)

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Hey guys,


Starting to think about applying to US MD/DO schools for Sept 2017 entry (gonna try Canada again for Sept 2016). 


I'm taking a 5th year next year.


At the end of my four years I'll have an AMCAS ~ 3.5/OMSAS ~3.43. If I continue my upward trend for 5th year (yeah, i know how much y'all hate these predictions), I should finish with a 3.6 AMCAS GPA


My SGPA is dismal: 3.06. Again, hopefully the 5th year will bring that up. For DO it is about 3.03...lol. I'll be taking a few anatomy/physiology courses for my 5th year so hopefully I can bring these up to a very underwhelming 3.1. I know that if I go the DO route then I can retake some of these courses. It's a possibility, but do I really want to reopen those barely healed wounds?


I need to check out which schools will be accepting old MCAT but my most recent scores from this past summer are 34 (12/11 V/11). I hope I can perform just as well, if not better, on the new MCAT this summer. 


My ECs are pretty average: 3 years a clinical research assistant (so, yes, patient contact for about 1.5), volunteering in peds emerg department, volunteer for sex ed + at an orphanage in Bosnia (not simply volontourism cause I'm from there), tutoring for 4-5 years, black belt in martial arts + teacher for about 6 years now, folk dancer + teacher for 5-6 years, random club involvement (i.e. French club, medicine related things), Founder of Greenpeace chapter and president at my uni, a few local conferences, deans list


I'm fluent in French, English, and Serbo-Croat-Bosnian with intermediate literacy in Spanish. Dunno if this is useful.


My chances in Canada will remain low until after I graduate fifth year (opens up Queens, Ottawa, and UWO as possibilities) but I'd like to give myself a little bit of a safety net and apply broadly. Big issue is money: parents can't provide me with any financial support. I'm okay with a LOC + other loans and bursaries, but I'd like to know your opinions on whether or not I should pursue this path if I actually get in somewhere. This is why going to UK/OZ is risky, too.


edit: I'm slowly reconciling myself to the DO route. Yeah, I fell into that stigma trap of DOs being poorer doctors as well but have come to understand it's a better option than abroad. That said, I wouldn't entirely mind staying in the UK....

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Hey guys,


Starting to think about applying to US MD/DO schools for Sept 2017 entry (gonna try Canada again for Sept 2016). 


I'm taking a 5th year next year.


At the end of my four years I'll have an AMCAS ~ 3.5/OMSAS ~3.43. If I continue my upward trend for 5th year (yeah, i know how much y'all hate these predictions), I should finish with a 3.6 AMCAS GPA


My SGPA is dismal: 3.06. Again, hopefully the 5th year will bring that up. For DO it is about 3.03...lol. I'll be taking a few anatomy/physiology courses for my 5th year so hopefully I can bring these up to a very underwhelming 3.1. I know that if I go the DO route then I can retake some of these courses. It's a possibility, but do I really want to reopen those barely healed wounds?


I need to check out which schools will be accepting old MCAT but my most recent scores from this past summer are 34 (12/11 V/11). I hope I can perform just as well, if not better, on the new MCAT this summer. 


My ECs are pretty average: 3 years a clinical research assistant (so, yes, patient contact for about 1.5), volunteering in peds emerg department, volunteer for sex ed + at an orphanage in Bosnia (not simply volontourism cause I'm from there), tutoring for 4-5 years, black belt in martial arts + teacher for about 6 years now, folk dancer + teacher for 5-6 years, random club involvement (i.e. French club, medicine related things), Founder of Greenpeace chapter and president at my uni, a few local conferences, deans list


I'm fluent in French, English, and Serbo-Croat-Bosnian with intermediate literacy in Spanish. Dunno if this is useful.


My chances in Canada will remain low until after I graduate fifth year (opens up Queens, Ottawa, and UWO as possibilities) but I'd like to give myself a little bit of a safety net and apply broadly. Big issue is money: parents can't provide me with any financial support. I'm okay with a LOC + other loans and bursaries, but I'd like to know your opinions on whether or not I should pursue this path if I actually get in somewhere. This is why going to UK/OZ is risky, too.


edit: I'm slowly reconciling myself to the DO route. Yeah, I fell into that stigma trap of DOs being poorer doctors as well but have come to understand it's a better option than abroad. That said, I wouldn't entirely mind staying in the UK....

What is your year by year breakdown and credits? This will help to see if US schools are even an option. Definitely avoid foreign schools if you can.


So I assume you are completing 4th year right, now, and will plan on applying to US schools and Canada the summer after you complete your 5th year correct?  The low SGPA will hurt you a lot... but again, it would help to know the breakdown of your years and how many credits etc.  A 3.0 Sgpa from 5 classes, is different then a 3.0 sgpa from 20 classes - you can salvage one easier than the other.


"DO route...poor doctors"..haha okay, i'll leave that can of worms of poor thoughts unopened. 



Your MCAT is strong though, and hopefully you can do just as well on the 2015 MCAT :) 



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as Gohan points out, the year to year break down GPA is important. Include summers in this break down as well as everything is looked at. Course load is irrelevant just an fyi.

I think you meant "relevant"


a 4.0 in a year with only part-time classes, isn't the same as a 4.0 in a year that is full time.

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Hey guys, thanks for the response.


Sorry, the DO comment came off as elitist and arrogant. I've sadly been indoctrinated with the MD is best mentality. Working on it!




1st year - 3.41


Summer courses: Two Bios 3.8


2nd year - 3.11 ( - _ - worst in terms of mental health)


Summer courses: First Orgo 3.3


3rd year - 3.48 (made the switch from mol bio into just bio as my other major - sadly first semester was a bummer)


4th year - 3.91 (my thesis marks are already in and I won't drop my grades as long as I get about ~70 on exams which is guaranteed)


5th year (tentative) - 3.9


Was thinking of taking maybe two psych courses this summer but it's safer to just study for MCAT. 


I've taken a full course load throughout. I may overload next year. And, as you can tell, 3/4 of my science courses have been average/below average. The fact that I excel primarily in non-science classes might be a sign that medical law and health policy are better options. Grrr. 

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Haha don't worry about it. 


I wouldn't worry about not excelling in science classes, it's not like you're struggling to get a C. Your strong MCAT shows your more than capable.

I'm guessing your sGPA being a 3.0 is due from your  2nd year/ 3rd year(term 1)?

From here on out in your 5th year really make sure to ace your upper level science classes.

Don't bother overloading, take a full load and get 4.0 That is better than overloading and doing worse overall.


TLDR: Ace the 5th year, and new MCAT - and you got some options in Canada, and many in the US(MD or DO). 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys,


thanks for all of the help.


I actually recalculated my sgpa (used the BCPM to get the ~3.0 since I only took pre-reqs into consideration), and I'm actually sitting at a 3.4. Might be a little higher with the DO scale (same goes for my cgpa - it'll likely be a little over 3.5).


Again, I'll try and keep the fifth year at above a 3.9


Now, it is worth applying this cycle to the US if I rewrite MCAT in july? Is it worth applying before my fifth year to boost my gpa a little more?


My biggest concern is finances - could I even afford going the low-mid tier MD/DO route? 

I will have 4 years worth of ugrad loans (~25000). I'm hesitant about more debt but I know it's pretty much inevitable. Don't have any money from my parents because they aren't in a great spot either.

I'm okay with an LOC but I don't want to start and then drop out. As you can see, going abroad is obviously impossible as well.


Last question: if I apply this year and don't get in, is it smarter to do a fulltime job (hopefully 20-25 bucks an hour) during my year off and save up, or should I do a course based masters while I reapply? I know it'll help for Canada, but what about the US? Again, not sure if I can get tuition covered for a course-based masters with TA ships


Thanks guys!

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Hey guys,


thanks for all of the help.


I actually recalculated my sgpa (used the BCPM to get the ~3.0 since I only took pre-reqs into consideration), and I'm actually sitting at a 3.4. Might be a little higher with the DO scale (same goes for my cgpa - it'll likely be a little over 3.5).


Again, I'll try and keep the fifth year at above a 3.9


Now, it is worth applying this cycle to the US if I rewrite MCAT in july? Is it worth applying before my fifth year to boost my gpa a little more?


My biggest concern is finances - could I even afford going the low-mid tier MD/DO route?

I will have 4 years worth of ugrad loans (~25000). I'm hesitant about more debt but I know it's pretty much inevitable. Don't have any money from my parents because they aren't in a great spot either.

I'm okay with an LOC but I don't want to start and then drop out. As you can see, going abroad is obviously impossible as well.


Last question: if I apply this year and don't get in, is it smarter to do a fulltime job (hopefully 20-25 bucks an hour) during my year off and save up, or should I do a course based masters while I reapply? I know it'll help for Canada, but what about the US? Again, not sure if I can get tuition covered for a course-based masters with TA ships


Thanks guys!

I don't know all the much about the U.S., but it seems you will have a very decent shot at at least Western and queens once you're done your fifth year. If you're worried about financing a U.S. application, I'd put in a couple tries at those schools first.

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Okay, fair enough. I'm just frustrated with the low gpa.

Should I hold off and just apply to Canadian schools? Or should I shoot for some DO/MD schools ( don't have any shadowing though - could do it over summer) as well?


I'll have funds for apps just worried about funds for the actual education. Getting a scholarship with my stats is highly unlikely (minus MSUCOM because I'm a canadian, but even then the tuition is insane)

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Retaking the MCAT won't help you. You already meet the 12bs and 11vr cutoffs.


Focus on the best 2 year schools in Canada.


Dont apply to the US until you research all costs first and see its feasible. Apps and interviews alone can cause 2000-5000+ depending on flights and seat deposits.

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Alright - thanks guys! I'll probably add some peer support/helpline counseling to that as well as a little bit of shadowing. I'm in a good position to get a TAship for next year so if that works out I have another good reference. I'll make those EC improvements during the summer and maybe take a course or two (easy psychs). There's a chance I can get my thesis published (it's a play), so I'll look into that as well.


I'll have about 2k for apps this year so I'll put that towards Canadian schools, 1 year course-based masters in case med doesn't work out, and maybe 1-2 american schools. I'll try my hand at PA/Genetic counseling degrees in the meantime as well. I'll worry about american flights if it comes to it.

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Alright - thanks guys! I'll probably add some peer support/helpline counseling to that as well as a little bit of shadowing. I'm in a good position to get a TAship for next year so if that works out I have another good reference. I'll make those EC improvements during the summer and maybe take a course or two (easy psychs). There's a chance I can get my thesis published (it's a play), so I'll look into that as well.


I'll have about 2k for apps this year so I'll put that towards Canadian schools, 1 year course-based masters in case med doesn't work out, and maybe 1-2 american schools. I'll try my hand at PA/Genetic counseling degrees in the meantime as well. I'll worry about american flights if it comes to it.

You still have to do your 5th year too and get that 3.9+. Make your decisions AFTER you complete that year. 


Also, unless you are deciding to forgo med, taking the other degrees is a waste. IF you're worried about money, i don't see the sense in spending more money on degrees you won't use, and will likely not help in GPA calculations for the schools you're applying too.

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So I shouldn't apply anywhere this year? Just feels like a waste if I don't... I'll probably try Mac again and test my luck.


What about a one year MPH/Global Health? Don't some schools (i.e. UBC) consider it if I graduate before I start med? Not sure how its looked upon in the US but I figure it can't exactly hurt.


I think I'd only try to do a masters where I can get significant scholarships (if that's even plausible for a one year masters). Is it better to work full time instead after my fifth year?

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So I shouldn't apply anywhere this year? Just feels like a waste if I don't... I'll probably try Mac again and test my luck.


What about a one year MPH/Global Health? Don't some schools (i.e. UBC) consider it if I graduate before I start med? Not sure how its looked upon in the US but I figure it can't exactly hurt.


I think I'd only try to do a masters where I can get significant scholarships (if that's even plausible for a one year masters). Is it better to work full time instead after my fifth year?

You should definitely apply to western this year. (Unless I'm missing something?) Then all the two year schools next year. You can apply to Mac if you want I guess, it's possible.


Edit: I assumed your 12 was in bio, not physics. If it is, you should get a conditional interview at western as long as you meet the 3/5 rule.

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It is a 12 in bio. Well, doesn't Western need 3.7+ in two years? I only have it in one year, but I do have a two year average of 3.7+

Yes, but you can apply with one year under a condition of if you get accepted, your current year needs to be above 3.7 or your acceptance is rescinded.


And for your two years above 3.7, 6/10 courses need to be third year and above.

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Yeah, I've made sure to have the 3/5 split and will keep it for my next year. So with my mcat and grades I can apply to western since I have the 3.9 in fourth year and may be eligible for an interview + acceptance pending my 5th year grades are 3.7+? If so, coooooooooooooooooooool  ^_^

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Yeah, I've made sure to have the 3/5 split and will keep it for my next year. So with my mcat and grades I can apply to western since I have the 3.9 in fourth year and may be eligible for an interview + acceptance pending my 5th year grades are 3.7+? If so, coooooooooooooooooooool  ^_^


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