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Some books I used in nursing are medical books like pathophysio and pharm, so hopefully I can use those cause those cost me a fortune. I'm assuming you purchase books based on which ones you think will be helpful?

I have a crapload of stethoscopes because losing/finding your stethoscope is common - so make sure you label yours and get it back if a co-worker/student borrows it. I am willing to give a couple away for free if I get into medicine. I think I have 4 of the Littmann cardiology scopes? lol

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Some books I used in nursing are medical books like pathophysio and pharm, so hopefully I can use those cause those cost me a fortune. I'm assuming you purchase books based on which ones you think will be helpful?

I have a crapload of stethoscopes because losing/finding your stethoscope is common - so make sure you label yours and get it back if a co-worker/student borrows it. I am willing to give a couple away for free if I get into medicine. I think I have 4 of the Littmann cardiology scopes? lol

The people at the bookstore are awesome at recommending books people have found helpful in the past, then you can just pick and choose from there.

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I'm trying to integrate the use of Evernote into my daily routine, as I keep hearing from friends how useful it can be. When you said you take notes in Evernote, do you mean you're uploading the PDFs of lecture slides to the program and annotating them there - or are you transcribing the contents of the lecture + annotations into a new document?



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I'm trying to integrate the use of Evernote into my daily routine, as I keep hearing from friends how useful it can be. When you said you take notes in Evernote, do you mean you're uploading the PDFs of lecture slides to the program and annotating them there - or are you transcribing the contents of the lecture + annotations into a new document?



Transcribing a new document. It's definitely not a PDF annotator. So I type, then screen shot in and annotate any important diagrams, figures, and images. Forces me to summarize a bit instead of having to study the entire lecture later.


Then I make summary notes by hand close to exams to get the benefits of hand writing.

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