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Class Of 2018 Facebook Group

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Any way of making the group private, so that if I join it is not broadcasted to all of my Facebook friends?

I think it's that way so that people not on here can find it. Pretty sure you can join and just not have it show up? Or maybe not. I don't know. I'm bad at Facebook.


EDIT again:  The best solution I can see is to join, then very quickly go to your activity log and change it to "not allowed on timeline". That should limit the amount of people who join I think.  


PS my procrastination has reached a new level, I just spent 10 minutes on that rather than studying. 

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Any way of making the group private, so that if I join it is not broadcasted to all of my Facebook friends?


You would have to change your privacy settings in your own profile so that no friends receive updates about your activity. You can also specify specific people you don't want to receive your updates.

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