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Mcmaster Med.. Is It Hard To Match To Competitive Specialities?

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So Mac is 3 years, no summers, plus a bit shorter on the clinical side.


I was wondering if it this was a huge disadvantage in terms of getting competitive specialities?


For one, we have a lot less time to do some research. 

Also, no summers might be a disadvantage for travelling to bigger cities (i.e.: Toronto) and meeting with program directors there.


Can people chime in on whether or not it's harder to get competitive specialties from McMaster?

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Obviously I have no idea if its harder or not, but a glance at CaRms stats shows that McMaster students do match to competitive specialties all the time in proportions that seem similar to other schools. This year Mac has a rougher go in the 1st iteration because something like 20 of them wanted anesthiology (one of the ROAD specialties). Maybe others who have more nuanced knowledge about this might be able to share if there is a smaller proportion of Macs in competitive specialties, etc. I do know like Mac has a bit higher proportion of people who rank family first (typically 40% vs national average of around 32%).

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I think the main disadvantage is that you're forced to choose what specialty you want to do earlier which leaves less time for exploration. If you want to go for something competitive you need to know relatively early on to be able to line up all your electives and get that research experience. If you know what you want to do then I don't think that you're at a disadvantage for competitive specialties with the 3 year program.

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I wouldn't say it's harder, nor are you at a disadvantage. Especially if you already know what you want to do.


that's the key - if you know. Any route that is faster is going to have issues if you have to course correct. Still it is a known problem - undoubtedly people at the 4 year schools take longer to figure that out because they in part can take longer. 

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I agree, it's a challenge with being at Mac....I THINK I have a good idea of what I want right now, but honestly who knows what'll happen...


Evans, my plan is to do as many horizontals as possible early on. Our preclerkship is looser, so I think we have to take advantage of it and do the horizontals/research early on as well.

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I agree, it's a challenge with being at Mac....I THINK I have a good idea of what I want right now, but honestly who knows what'll happen...


Evans, my plan is to do as many horizontals as possible early on. Our preclerkship is looser, so I think we have to take advantage of it and do the horizontals/research early on as well.

How early can we really start horizontals? 

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For one, we have a lot less time to do some research. 

Also, no summers might be a disadvantage for travelling to bigger cities (i.e.: Toronto) and meeting with program directors there.



1) You can choose to do your 7 weeks of preclerkship electives in first year summer all in research

2) Huh?

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I wouldn't say you have less time to do research. You don't need designated research blocks or dedicated research time. You just need to be prepared to work really hard and get a project in while you're doing your pre-clinical/clinical work. I didn't go to mac but I wanted my vacation time and never spent that time on research. I started a project at the beginning of clerkship and finished it several months later. Never underestimate the powers of a chart review, especially if you have an interesting question. 

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