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Research And Im


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How necessary is it to have a publication/presentations to be a competitive IM applicant? Currently doing research in a competitive non-IM field, I'm no longer interested in. long term project, has potential for a presentation over the next year (depending on how much work I put in), but not a publication. Should I try and hop onto a quick case review in IM over clerkship? 
I'm just worried about having been involved in this research program, but not having a final outcome (ie a paper completed from it). 
Any advice would be appreciated! 

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IM seems to be one of those specialties where research is helpful, but far from required. Having a been involved in a longer-term project with a presentation puts you in decent standing from what I've been told. A case report wouldn't be a bad idea, they're often very easy to do, but doesn't seem to be essential either. Don't think you can really go wrong here as long as you're doing well in clerkship and pursue opportunities that interest you.

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I agree with Ralk, IM is one of those specialties that are not super competitive (i.e: they don't require a publication or presentation to be considered for interviews) . The majority of people match into their first choice, If you are interested in IM now, it is to your favour to do research in your field of interest.

However, when you enter clerkship. I suggest that you focus on your clinical learning experience and have good IM evaluations rather than juggling between research and clerkship (it could get demanding and exhausting). I knew someone who matched to UofT IM without publications, they want the best well-rounded candidates :)

How necessary is it to have a publication/presentations to be a competitive IM applicant? Currently doing research in a competitive non-IM field, I'm no longer interested in. long term project, has potential for a presentation over the next year (depending on how much work I put in), but not a publication. Should I try and hop onto a quick case review in IM over clerkship? 
I'm just worried about having been involved in this research program, but not having a final outcome (ie a paper completed from it). 
Any advice would be appreciated! 

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If you have the chance of a quick case report, do it. If you don't... no big deal. 

As others have written, research is not required to match in IM. Clinical electives at desired and competitive locations are strongly suggested. 


I matched at my home school with research experience, but no publication. 

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