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No Research...what Are My Chances?

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Hi everyone :)


I'm concerned about not having any research experience on my ABS. I'm currently a research assistant with a surgeon but I would put that under employment and I haven't had anything published. A quick overview of my ABS activities:


Employment: RA with surgeon (1 year), head banquet server (2 years), assistant manager at mr.grande (3 years) ..I have more but these would be my top 3. 


EC's: play soccer with a recreational league (2 years) president of positive psychology club (1 year), event planner for arab women's league of Hamilton (2 years)


Volunteer: hospital elder life volunteer (2.5 years), soccer coach for toddlers (1 year), tutor (2 years)


Awards: 3 academic scholarships and 1 community service for 300 hours of volunteering 


Research:.... pretty much nothing. I wrote narrative literature reviews before but they weren't published.


wGPA = 3.96-3.97


If I can get your advice regarding my chances of getting in, it would be a great help!

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