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Asking Club Executive To Be Reference?

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I noticed that in the manual, it was stated that "Family members, family friends and peers are not appropriate

referees, regardless of their position or knowledge of the applicant."


Would executives/presidents from school clubs count as "peer"? Are they still appropriate references if they mostly have a working relationship to me? Has anyone thought of this before or had asked admission committees this question already? Please let me know!


Thank you!

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The title/prestige of your referee is not nearly as important as what they will write about you. With that being said, ask yourself the question "Does this person know me well enough, have an appropriate working relationship with me, and the necessary experience working with a good sample size of people in your position to be able to make a fair comparison?". 


Usually the president of a club will be approximately your age or a year or two older and will likely lack the third part of the equation. It doesn't mean that people haven't gotten medical school using such a referee, but it's probably best to pick someone else. 

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I noticed that in the manual, it was stated that "Family members, family friends and peers are not appropriate

referees, regardless of their position or knowledge of the applicant."


Would executives/presidents from school clubs count as "peer"? Are they still appropriate references if they mostly have a working relationship to me? Has anyone thought of this before or had asked admission committees this question already? Please let me know!


Thank you!


Personally, I wouldn't use them as a reference! However, I am using a couple of family members as a verifiers, which I think should suffice. 

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