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How Did Everyone Find The Canadian Dat?

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 Just wrote it today. Im curious as to how everyone thought it went and what they used primarily to study for it? I used Princeton, Barrons and DAT Bootcamp. I felt that bio/chem were a breeze (which I was most nervous about) and that the perceptual section was actually the hardest - which was shocking to me because it is by far the section that I excel at the most. RC was about what I thought it would be but I was actually quite familiar with the topic of the three passages already. 


What did you guys think?

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Bio was alright, some things needed educational guessing.

Chem was really easy.


I spent most of my time studying PAT and was pretty confident going into the exam. The rock keyholes probably destroyed my keyhole score. The rest was pretty easy.


I was worried on RC because of timing. I kind of used my science background to answer some of the questions, but I hope that I wasn't tricked, and the passage actually stated something different. I felt like I was doing something wrong, because there was a section where all of my answer choices were the same answer...


Bootcamp was way harder than the real PAT. Destroyer was a good resource for the sciences.

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Agreed... and those last 5-6 keyhole questions were unlike anything I've ever seen before in any practice test. Super intense polygonal shapes that were really hard to wrap my head around.  Quanticks, I definitely approached numerous questions on RC the same way you did. I feel confident that I wasn't tricked, but you never know. I finished each section of the DAT with about 5 seconds to spare.

 My biggest worry is with the PAT. At one point, I went to fill an answer in, but it was already filled in. I'm not sure if I just got confused momentarily or what. I'm really really hoping that my  entire column wasn't off by a question, which would mean I got them all wrong. I feel like that didn't happen because there were no blank questions above it. I think I probably just got flustered... Fingers crossed. 

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Agreed... and those last 5-6 keyhole questions were unlike anything I've ever seen before in any practice test. Super intense polygonal shapes that were really hard to wrap my head around.  Quanticks, I definitely approached numerous questions on RC the same way you did. I feel confident that I wasn't tricked, but you never know. I finished each section of the DAT with about 5 seconds to spare.

 My biggest worry is with the PAT. At one point, I went to fill an answer in, but it was already filled in. I'm not sure if I just got confused momentarily or what. I'm really really hoping that my  entire column wasn't off by a question, which would mean I got them all wrong. I feel like that didn't happen because there were no blank questions above it. I think I probably just got flustered... Fingers crossed. 


My biggest concern is with bubbling as well. Some of the cube counting questions started with option 'A' being '1 cube' but the question after that started with option 'A' being '2 cubes', which confused me into picking C for 4 cubes when I really meant to say 3 cubes. Hopefully I didn't make any mistakes like that.

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I wrote in Feb and wrote again now to try and improve my science scores. I found the science a lot easier (also studied more though), pat slightly harder (still fairly easy though).

However I think I struggled with the RC this time, which is too bad because I scored a 21 last time and didn't really struggle. I really hope a bad RC score doesn't cost me this time...

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Agreed... and those last 5-6 keyhole questions were unlike anything I've ever seen before in any practice test. Super intense polygonal shapes that were really hard to wrap my head around.  Quanticks, I definitely approached numerous questions on RC the same way you did. I feel confident that I wasn't tricked, but you never know. I finished each section of the DAT with about 5 seconds to spare.

 My biggest worry is with the PAT. At one point, I went to fill an answer in, but it was already filled in. I'm not sure if I just got confused momentarily or what. I'm really really hoping that my  entire column wasn't off by a question, which would mean I got them all wrong. I feel like that didn't happen because there were no blank questions above it. I think I probably just got flustered... Fingers crossed. 

They are referred to as rock keyholes and have recently shown up in the US DAT. I was hoping canada would lag a little, but i guess not =(


In case anyone needs some practice: http://www.datgenius.com/rock-keyholes/

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They are referred to as rock keyholes and have recently shown up in the US DAT. I was hoping canada would lag a little, but i guess not =(


In case anyone needs some practice: http://www.datgenius.com/rock-keyholes/

Oh I see. I was wondering what you were referring to. Yeah, my jaw dropped when I saw those things. They were fairly complex shapes. Thanks for providing that link! I also think that the way they're drawn on the PAT make it especially difficult. For example, with DAT Bootcamp, you get really nice high resolution images. The printed official CDAT questions on the PAT seem kind of grainy or pixilated with rough edges. Furthermore, the Top/Front/End questions are way easier on Bootcamp. Bootcamp shows dotted lines which are lighter in shade and make it easier to understand the depth of an object, whereas the real PAT doesn't afford those kind of luxuries. 


It would be also nice if they have just 10 minutes more per section ;) 

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For the question about recessive alleles vs dominant allele in a population, was that question supposed to be answered like a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium question calculation- even though they didn't state we're in H-W equilibrium?


Chem felt easy, bio had a few tricky question. RC was very manageable, although I found the one epidemiology passage to be a bit confusing in parts.

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Is it really necessary to make people wait two months for the results? If someone were to completely bomb the test, and not realize it, they'd still h to meet the deadlines for applications - which would be a waste of time. Lol. Yeesh

I believe it is because it takes a while to mark the soaps, I think they're all checked over at least twice once they arrive in Ottawa (so factor in shipping time + marking time), and they can't release any scores until all scores are ready. 

But the waiting sucks, I totally agree with you 

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resources used: Cliff's + Destroyer 2012 + Bootcamp + Chad's


SNS: not bad, but yeah there were some Qs i wasn't sure about. chem seemed easier than bio overall.


PAT: all of the sections were easier than bootcamp w/ exception to the 4-5 rock keyholes (Qs 11-14 i basically guessed). what i noticed was that with every section there were 10-13 easy Qs and then 2-5 harder Qs (to make sure nobody gets perfect haha). i swear there were a few mistakes in the PAT though -- e.g. one of the angles clearly looked like the biggest one, but that wasn't even an option; one of the TFEs had a piece that was not to scale but seemed to be the only possible answer choice; and for one of the cube counting figures i swear i counted 6 two-sided faces but the biggest answer choice was 5... and yeah, bubbling was a bit of a concern of mine here as well, esp since i skipped right to angle rankings at the start and did keyholes and TFE as my last sections.


RCT: in bootcamp (and i guess the american DAT) the RC section is 60 minutes/50 Qs; ours was 50 minutes/50 Qs. however, we did get the luxury of having all of the Qs in the order they would appear in the passage, which was great. i just wasn't really expecting that, and it took me a few minutes to catch on. i was also glad that practically all of the questions were about content; maybe 3-5 Qs total required some inference. admittedly for quite a few of the Qs i just looked for the correct answer and circled it without comparing it to the other choices.

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I'd also say the PAT was overall easier than Genius / Bootcamp, not harder (will politely disagree with firesinx).


DDS2020 - I swear I remember the TFE question you're talking about, it didn't make sense scale wise! I wouldn't be surprised if there were errors - the sample DAT the CDA sends us in the booklet has errors in it even. 


I also found chem easier than bio, which was surprising. There were no chem lab questions, no solubility rules stuff in chem - everything seemed straight forward. 


For the question about recessive alleles vs dominant allele in a population, was that question supposed to be answered like a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium question calculation- even though they didn't state we're in H-W equilibrium?

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I'd also say the PAT was overall easier than Genius / Bootcamp, not harder (will politely disagree with firesinx).


DDS2020 - I swear I remember the TFE question you're talking about, it didn't make sense scale wise! I wouldn't be surprised if there were errors - the sample DAT the CDA sends us in the booklet has errors in it even. 


I also found chem easier than bio, which was surprising. There were no chem lab questions, no solubility rules stuff in chem - everything seemed straight forward. 


For the question about recessive alleles vs dominant allele in a population, was that question supposed to be answered like a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium question calculation- even though they didn't state we're in H-W equilibrium?

How else would you solve it?

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I'd also say the PAT was overall easier than Genius / Bootcamp, not harder (will politely disagree with firesinx).


DDS2020 - I swear I remember the TFE question you're talking about, it didn't make sense scale wise! I wouldn't be surprised if there were errors - the sample DAT the CDA sends us in the booklet has errors in it even. 


I also found chem easier than bio, which was surprising. There were no chem lab questions, no solubility rules stuff in chem - everything seemed straight forward. 


For the question about recessive alleles vs dominant allele in a population, was that question supposed to be answered like a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium question calculation- even though they didn't state we're in H-W equilibrium?

Yeah agree that the chem was definitely straightforward - although that scares me too.... did I miss something? Time will tell.

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I'd also say the PAT was overall easier than Genius / Bootcamp, not harder (will politely disagree with firesinx).


DDS2020 - I swear I remember the TFE question you're talking about, it didn't make sense scale wise! I wouldn't be surprised if there were errors - the sample DAT the CDA sends us in the booklet has errors in it even. 


I also found chem easier than bio, which was surprising. There were no chem lab questions, no solubility rules stuff in chem - everything seemed straight forward. 


For the question about recessive alleles vs dominant allele in a population, was that question supposed to be answered like a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium question calculation- even though they didn't state we're in H-W equilibrium?


It's subjective, you may have found the PAT easier but I definitely did not. I scored 26 when I wrote last time, I doubt I'm going to achieve anything close to that. And no it's not because of "4-5" rock keyhole questions, it's because a lot of the questions just felt more difficult from each section (except cube counting imo) even though the rock keyholes were difficult.

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I used DAT Destroyer and Cliff's AP Bio 4th edition.  I found chem and bio fairly representative of the review materials. RC was just tight on timing.  As with everyone else on this thread, PAT caught me off guard.  I used the quick look between angles technique so I hope that saved me.  But keyholes and TFE..

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PAT difficulty is totally subjective - and I completely agree what one's perspective is can be completely different then others. I was just offering my perspective - didn't mean to say it was objectively easier as it will definitely depend on the writer

It's subjective, you may have found the PAT easier but I definitely did not. I scored 26 when I wrote last time, I doubt I'm going to achieve anything close to that. And no it's not because of "4-5" rock keyhole questions, it's because a lot of the questions just felt more difficult from each section (except cube counting imo) even though the rock keyholes were difficult.

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Overall it wasn't too bad. I thought SNS was pretty easy, and surprisingly Chem was easier than Bio overall despite being more prepared for Bio. RC too was a lot easier than practice tests and I thought it went pretty well overall. PAT I'm iffy about, mainly the keyholes and angle ranking. However, the other sections Im more than confident with with the exception of a few TFE questions. Angles I found to be easier than DATBootcamp, but I'm just generally not strong with it so its always a concern. It was easier in the sense that a lot of the options could be easily eliminated. 


does anyone remember that "weird TFE question where there was a SHADED rectangle?? I had no idea what shading it meant.


If it was the one Im thinking of then that question pissed me off because 2 of the answers could have potentially been right with no way of discerning one way or another. The shaded rectangle pretty much meant there was a tunnel shape that was on the inside, but from the top view the opening was exposed because it was on an angled face. The problem is 2 of the answers were different only in the depth of the tunnel, but since they only gave you a front and top view (and the difference in depth was hidden behind a small cube on top), it was impossible to know which answer was correct. 

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Overall it wasn't too bad. I thought SNS was pretty easy, and surprisingly Chem was easier than Bio overall despite being more prepared for Bio. RC too was a lot easier than practice tests and I thought it went pretty well overall. PAT I'm iffy about, mainly the keyholes and angle ranking. However, the other sections Im more than confident with with the exception of a few TFE questions. Angles I found to be easier than DATBootcamp, but I'm just generally not strong with it so its always a concern. It was easier in the sense that a lot of the options could be easily eliminated. 



If it was the one Im thinking of then that question pissed me off because 2 of the answers could have potentially been right with no way of discerning one way or another. The shaded rectangle pretty much meant there was a tunnel shape that was on the inside, but from the top view the opening was exposed because it was on an angled face. The problem is 2 of the answers were different only in the depth of the tunnel, but since they only gave you a front and top view (and the difference in depth was hidden behind a small cube on top), it was impossible to know which answer was correct. 

exactly. So it wasn't just me. There was no way to tell the depth of the tunnel

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I used Bootcamp and PR.


SNS: same as everyone else, Chem>Bio, but overall not to difficult (some random Q difficulties).


PAT: Overall I'd say it was more difficult than bootcamp. A few of those Keyholes & TFE were difficult to say the least.  Hole punch/ cubes were straight forward. Angles were the same as bootcamp and 3D I found slightly harder than bootcamp. 


RC: much easier than Bootcamp


I am just hoping PAT didn't ruin my score like last year....

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