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Canada Qbank Vs. Lmcc Exams.com Vs. Uworld

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Used UWorld and did CK a few days before LMCC and passed both (albeit seems like I suck at USMLE). LMCC was a breeze compared to CK, score was wayyyy above passing. The med/surg/ knowledge you gain from UWorld will be way more than enough, actually somewhat too much for the Canadian exam as they have a lot of in-depth cardio/ICU/GI questions.


Biggest difference is USMLE is 2 step thinking (eg. given a case you have to come up with a diagnosis but the question asks the correct prognosis instead; difficult to master tbh), the LMCC is mostly 1 step thinking or rote memorization, like which of the following is a side effect of this medication.


You just need to spend a few extra days on ped/gyne/psych/biostat as they are focused more on LMCC, UWorld has plenty of those questions.


The only downside is the CAD exchange rate sucks and your mind is kinda stuck thinking in US units a while (eg. BG of 70 is good diabetes control lol)


There are some social/ethical/bureaucratic kind of questions on LMCC which are probably best studied using your own notes on Canadian healthcare system and laws (eg. laws in US regarding emancipation of minors and insurance/payment policies may be different)


I've seen some QBank questions, frankly I think they are awful and explanations are lacking or make no sense.


The explanations for UWorld answers are fantastic and better than the questions themselves, really take your knowledge and judgement to a junior resident level.

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