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Waitlist Movement 2016

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I think there is 30 people waitlisted, so 10 people/tier.

Also just something to consider, but there will probably be less waitlist movement since they only plan on accepting 5 OOP applicants this year, compared to the previous years where they would try and accept 10 OOP. (and usually they would only end up accepting 5, so those 5 extra spots that were leftover would go to IP waitlist after they gone through the OOP waitlist)

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Pretty sure there are only 5 people on each tier 




I don't know, the past years it was 10 people per tier, but it would make sense that they cut it this year showing as there will probably be less movement (and considering they never even got close to third tier)

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I don't know, the past years it was 10 people per tier, but it would make sense that they cut it this year showing as there will probably be less movement (and considering they never even got close to third tier)


I'm almost certain it is 5 people per tier

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