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Ntp Interview Invites


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Does the status "reviewed-decision pending" mean an interview to come or am I on a waiting list?



I am fairly certain that this means you are on a waiting list for interview...Good luck man! If you do get the interview, you will be on an even ground with everyone else. Rooting for you! 


Did anyone get an interview invite by email yet?


Those come later at night

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Result: Further review required

GPA: 3.99 / 4.0

ECs: Teaching at the University, national Research, Publication in architecture and engineering, working for architecture firms, awards, volunteering


I also got an interview for dentistry at McGill which I did two weeks ago, so they said they would not interview me for the second time and only look at the results of my first interview (I don`t know if it`s good or bad but is something I wasn`t prepared for! )

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Result: Further review required

GPA: 3.99 / 4.0

ECs: Teaching at the University, national Research, Publication in architecture and engineering, working for architecture firms, awards, volunteering


I also got an interview for dentistry at McGill which I did two weeks ago, so they said they would not interview me for the second time and only look at the results of my first interview (I don`t know if it`s good or bad but is something I wasn`t prepared for! )

Really? Strange! Is the interview for dentistry and MMI's alike?

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