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Should I redo my MCAT this summer if I have a 515 (130/127/130/128) ?

I am currently very confused about the scoring systems in schools in different parts of Canada. Some schools tell you the admission cutoff and some don't. All the ones that do tell you (ie UWO) have super high requirements so I'm not sure if I have a good chance at getting in if I don't rewrite it.


Will this mark be enough to apply with next year? What schools would I have a good shot at?


Any help or advice at all would definitely be appreciated!

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I have the same overall score as you and interviewed at Toronto, Queen's and Ottawa. Ottawa currently doesn't look at your MCAT scores. Toronto only has a cutoff of 125/125/125/125. I'm not too sure about Queen's. If you have a competitive GPA and solid ECs, you should have a good chance at a number of Canadian schools. If your ECs are weak, I'd rather focus on those this summer instead of the MCAT.


Edit: my opinion is based on Ontario schools. I'm not too sure about other schools.

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I have the same overall score as you and interviewed at Toronto, Queen's and Ottawa. Ottawa currently doesn't look at your MCAT scores. Toronto only has a cutoff of 125/125/125/125. I'm not too sure about Queen's. If you have a competitive GPA and solid ECs, you should have a good chance at a number of Canadian schools. If your ECs are weak, I'd rather focus on those this summer instead of the MCAT.


Edit: my opinion is based on Ontario schools. I'm not too sure about other schools.

I agree, I have the same total score with a 127 in CARS also and additionally got an interview at McMaster. So it seems like you're only excluded from Western with your scores (I'm assuming you are non-swoman), everywhere else you have a chance at. Although I'm not sure how Mac treats OOP applicants.

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I have the same overall score as you and interviewed at Toronto, Queen's and Ottawa. Ottawa currently doesn't look at your MCAT scores. Toronto only has a cutoff of 125/125/125/125. I'm not too sure about Queen's. If you have a competitive GPA and solid ECs, you should have a good chance at a number of Canadian schools. If your ECs are weak, I'd rather focus on those this summer instead of the MCAT.


Edit: my opinion is based on Ontario schools. I'm not too sure about other schools.


I second that.

I think your MCAT score is good enough for most Canadian schools (minus Manitoba, Western, and maybe some other ones). Even for schools which only looks at VR (Mac and Calgary if I'm not mistaken), 127 should be okay.

That being said, if your GPA isn't good, you probably won't have a shot in most OOP schools anyway.

It's more worthwhile working on your ECs over the summer instead of rewriting the MCAT.

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