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I did something similar to this. I applied to a course-based Masters program just as a backup plan. I notified my referees, including a prof that it was just a backup plan and they were still very happy to help me out. I eventually realized that even if I don't get into med school this year, I just don't have the passion to go to grad school. I later contacted the school and withdrew my Masters application.


Personally, I felt my referees had the right to know that it was a backup plan. They've helped me so much along the way so I wanted to be as transparent as possible. 

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My feeling is that most professors understand that most people apply to multiple different programs and will ultimately only be able to attend one, so I don't think it's absolutely essential that you inform them that it is only a backup plan. 

It is really up to you - but it shouldn't ruin you no matter what you decide (so long as you don't outright lie if questioned about it!).

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