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Mcmaster Isci Vs. Western Medsci

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I went to Western, and really liked it. My story's kind of complicated, but I started out in med sci and switched to BSc psych in second year after discovering I was very interested in psych and neuroscience (When I started at Western, med sci did not have a neuroscience module yet). The first year of med sci is the same as the general sciences and you don't declare your major until the end of first year, so its great because there is a lot of flexibility in that you can decide to continue in med sci or do other modules in the faculty of science and you'll have all the prereqs needed. In your first year, you take biology, chemistry, physics, math, and an elective (I took psych). In second-fourth year there are a lot of opportunities to do electives, so I ended up doing some in medical science courses, but you could do whatever you want for those. I also really liked the people, the campus, and there are a lot of opportunities for research, volunteering, and a lot of access to sports/intramurals at the gym. Good luck with your decision! 

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I started out at Western med sci and also switched into BSc psychology+biochemistry at a different university. Personally, I did not like the Western med sci environment coming from a small town. It's easy to feel like a number in all of your classes first year, but especially with classes averaging 800 students per section at Western. I found that the professors I encountered were not very supportive and tried to scare people away from medicine. Don't be surprised if on the first day, they give you the lecture about "how realistically, only a couple of you are going to get into medicine." Don't let this deter you though. I'm sure there are other schools that also give you a similar lecture, this was just my experience. The high school average entering in med sci each year is about 90+, all of my friends had 95+. The environment can be very competitive with some cut throat students. It can be hard to stand out first year. If I would have stayed at Western I think I would have done health sci. The people that I knew in that program were a lot more chill and they got to avoid Haffie bio if anyone knows what I'm talking about .... haha. Plus, I know quite a few people from Western health sci that got into medicine at a few places including UofT, McMaster, and Ottawa.

I have to say though, Western has a beautiful campus and a lot of opportunities. You will do well wherever you go, just keep working hard. My advice is to go where you feel most comfortable and have a support system. Don't go based on prestige of programs. 


Sad thing is that's true of most large schools like UWO. But great advice!

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I do agree with Western medsci having big class numbers in first year, particularly for chem/bio/physics (NCB 101...shudder). However, as you move up in the years and everyone goes off into their different specialties, your class sizes will shrink to potentially the 20s (which was the case for me in Micro/Imm). As well, I had a great time at Western from the standpoint of campus involvement, making friends and learning in general. I was in a similar boat as you, trying to decide between Mac and Western for undergrad - chose Western in the end as I'm from Hamilton and wanted a change of scenery and liked the feel of UWO and London.

One thing to remember though - you need to reach the posted average in second year to remain in the module, and if you don't you won't be able to continue in medical sciences and will have to consider biological sciences (most common) or another major. That aspect was never clearly explained or advertised until the end of the first year IMO.

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I started out at Western med sci and also switched into BSc psychology+biochemistry at a different university. Personally, I did not like the Western med sci environment coming from a small town. It's easy to feel like a number in all of your classes first year, but especially with classes averaging 800 students per section at Western. I found that the professors I encountered were not very supportive and tried to scare people away from medicine. Don't be surprised if on the first day, they give you the lecture about "how realistically, only a couple of you are going to get into medicine." Don't let this deter you though. I'm sure there are other schools that also give you a similar lecture, this was just my experience. The high school average entering in med sci each year is about 90+, all of my friends had 95+. The environment can be very competitive with some cut throat students. It can be hard to stand out first year. If I would have stayed at Western I think I would have done health sci. The people that I knew in that program were a lot more chill and they got to avoid Haffie bio if anyone knows what I'm talking about .... haha. Plus, I know quite a few people from Western health sci that got into medicine at a few places including UofT, McMaster, and Ottawa.

I have to say though, Western has a beautiful campus and a lot of opportunities. You will do well wherever you go, just keep working hard. My advice is to go where you feel most comfortable and have a support system. Don't go based on prestige of programs. 


You know they say that doom and gloom message without any direction. How hard would it be to say most of you won't get in because the system is strongly biased towards people getting over 85% in every course they take (keeping the message short here as it has to be clear, short and delivered early). Sometimes the message almost sounds smug. 

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