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GPA / Autobiographical Sketch

Guest Unsure

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I attended the information session at Mac a few evenings ago. One thing that I have not understood clearly yet (either from reading the website, or from talking to admissions etc) has to do with the weighting of the GPA and Autobio sketch 50/50... If you have a 2.9 GPA and yet have a great grad school mark (which they won't really look at) plus 17 years work experience....do you even get as far as having them evaluate your autobiographical sketch. Or is the first pass that they do simply looking at GPA and if you don't make the 3.0 cutoff they won't evaluate ANY of the rest of your application. They talk a lot about the importance of the sketch but I seem to get the impression that if you don't have 3.0 don't even bother trying to apply because nothing else will be reviewed regardless of how stellar the rest of your 'life story' might be. Any clarification out there?

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Guest ThugJaan

Yeah you have it about right. When they take into account your grad work (I believe they give you 1 year at the mean GPA) if the cum. average comes out to be below 3.0, then your application is no longer considered for admission.


Even if you have a 3.0 - 3.2, I believe only like 2 people are admitted from that range anyways, so it is very tough with a low GPA.


At least be thankful; no other school in Ont. will take you with a 3.0 expect for UofT, where as a grad. student you will need mad pubs.

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