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When do we hear?

Guest macdaddyeh

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Guest macdaddyeh

Hi everyone:


I know I am obsessing but it is now countdown time. I don't have access to my Mac letter at the moment and I can't remember when we should get our invitation/rejection letters. Can someone let us mac hopefuls know please?


Furthermore, are rejects and invites mailed at the same time and in the same type of envelope? Moreover, if one is rejected when does one find out where one ranked amidst the 3XXX applicants?


Pardon the obsessiveness but I know many of you are also itchin to know... ;)

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Guest jmh2005

Hey guys,


Recalling from last year, I found out on (i.e., got my invite letter) on March 1st (it was a Friday, I remember it well...). They say that they will be sent out by the 2nd week, but it is usually earlier (the letter was also dated March 1st. Having applied the year before as well (and I didn't get an interview then) I got the rejection letter (a one-pager that tells you how competitive it is... and that only 1 in 9 get interviews...) in very early March, and I think it was even March 1st as well. But please don't be surprised if it is later this year, as you know we had a record # of applications this year (MCATs were released earlier and more people sent an app out to Mac who maybe wouldn't have otherwise??) so it could be slower. The absolute deadline is this week for those people who were marking autobiographical sketches to have everything returned to the admissions office.


As for the size of the envelopes...the rejection letter is your standard, typical envelope size and thin (one page only, the two years I didn't get an interview they had your %-ile scores on that piece of paper...I don't know if they did that last year, but I suspect so...). If you get an invite to interview the letter is twice the size (i.e. folding a typical piece of paper in half, that's the size of the envelope) and has 5 or 6 sheets of paper in it; invite letter with date and time, sheet of directions, a response form (that must be returned ASAP) and hotel and university information. Now, there are people apparently who do reject the interview and they have a very short list of people they send interview wait-lists to (from what I have heard), but I personally don't know anyone (but why would one bring it up anyways?) who fell into that category in my class or who was in my interview group.


With all that being said, try not to stress too much about this, the time will come and probably sooner than you think. Also, if you don't get an interview you can't be too hard on yourself, just concentrate on what you could have done better on. I know, its easy for me to say that now that I am on the other side of things, but it took me 2X before I got an interview (i.e. 3 applications), apparently the average is 5 applications (I find that a bit high, but that's what someone in the office told me). So try your best to concentrate on what you need to do now, because if you aren't successful, its the time between now and early October that you can use to your advantage, you have that much more experience, education, volunteer and/or research time you can talk about in your application and hopefully your interview.


Hope that helps, best of luck to each of you,



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Guest macdaddyeh



Your post has been very helpful and informative (as usual).


One more (personal) question:


Seeing that you applied twice, did you personally feel that you did things or said things differently between the first and second application that were to your advantage the second time around or were you happy with the contents of your submission and your extracurrics the first time?




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Guest peachy

Maybe 5 applications total? (Like 3 in one year, 2 in the second year) Because somehow I doubt that despite a possibly older-than-usual class at Mac, the average age of the first-year class is high enough to have an average of 5 years spent in the applications process.... :lol

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Guest jmh2005

Hey Macdaddyeh,


With respect to my application, I was pleased with it and my experiences at the time of submission. It was really only after my 2nd attempt did I really sit back and critically analyze everything I had written.


The biggest changes I made were simply related to how I answered the 15 questions, with the major changes being how clearly, concisely and articulately I wrote and expressed my myself (I was already working in my chosen career at the time and my experiences only changed slightly). But the one big thing I did change was telling people I work with, including the physician I worked for/with that I wanted to pursure Meds at Mac, who ended up being extremely supportive and ended up doing one of my letters. Support is also key, I had always kept my dream a secret because I was worried about what my colleages would say, only 1 year into my profession.


So, there were a few factors for me. But now I can see why I didn't get an interview initally yet did this time. Besides the emotional support, it really is all about answering the questions, showcasing yourself with confidence (but not cocky) and showing the reader you deserve to interview, speak to the the person reading your sketch (now I think...do I want to meet this person). To get an interview, marks are important obviously but the sketch is truly the key! Have a 3.90 (probably 90th %-ile) but a 30th %-ile sketch and you likely won't get an interview...so you do need both to be as high as possible to get that elusive interview. Also, if you only have 3.10 (which is probably less than the 30th-ile), you likely need a sketch of the 97th %-ile or higher to interview. (...However, I have heard that they interview the top 25 sketches regardless of GPA and the top 25 GPAs, regardless of sketch mark automatically, but I have no idea is that is in fact true...)


Everyone is different, keep that in mind...just always keep your options open...there are a tonne of people in my class who applied only once, interviewed and got in...so no worries, many times, the 1st time's a charm !!


Peachy: Yes, I agree with you... 5 applications (i.e. taking 5 years) does seem a lot and I really questioned that when I heard it...you may be right with your theory. ...I do know someone who tried 7x's and finally got in! However, I believe about 85 out of 138 in my class are 24 or younger so the math definately wouldn't add up!




Take care,


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest shelleyrn

Hi fellow macwannabee's....I am twisting in my seat with anticipation....Any other twisters out there?! I just surfed onto this site and was VERY pleased...it's nice to get some inside info into this hair-pulling process.


I am (unfortunatley) an OOP ....I hope to be one of the 138(?) students chosen for the next class in August! Chances sound very slim considering the MONSTROUS applicant pool!!:eek


A bit about myself...I am from Winnipeg and have been a nurse for almost 15 years now (GPA 3.52 thanks to OMSAS! as we have the 4.5 scale in Mb)....I am just over the cusp of the mid-30's range:D and of Aboriginal descent....(any other First Nations applicants out there?!)


Good luck and skill to all applicants.... I will be sure to add this site to my bookmarks...well done moderators!!


Cheers! Tansi! ST

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Hey Shelley (and other hair pullers),


I assure you that you're not alone... I used to think that I was pretty patient, but this wait is certainly proving me wrong. I'll be away when the "envelope" is supposed to show up in the mail and so I have already given my neighbour instructions on what to do when she gathers my mail. Crazy, eh?


All I can say, though, is that I'm really glad that I put in my application and that I did the best I can. The rest is really up to the three people who read it. There are certainly more than 400 applicants who are deserving of interviews, but only time for 400, so let's hope that we're among them. Congrats for even applying though... it's a pretty exciting step. I'm also in my mid-30s, and would be thrilled to go back to school again.


Good luck, and don't pull out too much hair,


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Guest shelleyrn

Hey Tirisa...thanks for validating my alopecic (a new word?) tendencies...


I too, am very happy that I have applied. I recently finished my degree in Nursing (2001), and am itching to get back to school. If my teachers from high school could hear me now!!


Again...great forum to fritter away the jitters....good luck..ST

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Guest ploughboy


Hash: SHA1


Welcome aboard Shelley,


Rest assured that lots of us are staring at the ceiling in

the wee small hours.


If I get a pfo letter next month I've decided to blame it

on the huge increase in the size of the applicant pool.

Actually, I'm really glad jmh told us about applying three

times. It was a good reminder that lots of people who have

what it takes to make great MDs don't get in on their first



Tirisa - I hear you. I'll be out of the country when the

good and the bad letters are mailed. All I know is there

will be *something* waiting for me when I get back.








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Guest MayFlower1



Would you stop rubbing it in! While you're sitting back sipping on a perfectly cooled glass of Spanish wine in the nice weather, we'll be sitting here sipping on Hot Chocolate freezing our buns off! You lucky guy...have a great time in Spain...you'll enjoy amazing people, scenery and gastronomic experiences second to none.




P.S. My fingers are crossed for you...I hope you get an interview...

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Hey Ploughboy,


Listen to Peter... he knows what he's talking about. Spain is heavenly. If you're in Andalucia, please have a couple "tinto de verano"s in honour of all the MAC applicants, who, during that week, will be celebrating or otherwise. Hey, have you thought of getting someone to collect your mail while you're away and let you know about "the letter" by email??


I'll be in Nicaragua for work in the first week of March... not quite as fun as Spain, but exciting and culturally fascinating all the same. And I'll likely be in Mexico the week after, so I'm having someone call me at my hotel to let me know what Mac has to say. That way, I'll be able to begin thinking about the interview (begin seriously, I mean, since I'm already thinking about it) or begin the process of dealing with any feelings of rejection. Either way, I want to know as soon as I can.


Anyway, just a thought. Best of luck to you though.




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Guest shelleyrn

ploughboy and tirisa....how dare you!!


I will be of the hot chocolate-set come March....it should be a balmy -15 to -20 by then....bikini weather for us....ahh...nothing like the feeling, (or lack there of related to the hypothermia setting in) of skating on the Red River....haha....actually, Winnipeg gets a beating in the media...it is quite a vibrant, rich city. Beautiful architecture and green space (or a season white space)...a must see.


back to work! cheers! Shelley

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Hey Koggetsu,


Close, but it's the 29/30 of March and the 5/6 of April. I've got those dates imprinted in my brain. Quite sad, actually. :b




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