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MCAT Physics Question


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Hey guys, I have a question about MCAT Physics section. I'm in my second year now and I'm planning on writing my MCAT during my summer of 2018. I've never done physics in my life before. I've done everything related to the MCAT but physics (bio, chem, socio, psych, biochem, orgo, etc). 

Am I at a huge disadvantage for physics? I have the kaplan and TPR books but idk how to approach  physics. How heavily experienced do I need to be in physics for the MCAT, etc. Help??

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Since you've NEVER taken physics, i would recommend reading through TPR first, they are extremely detailed in covering any content. After reading through them, go through khan academy videos & as you're watching you can take notes. After you watch a specific topic on khan academy, hammer it home with some practice passages on khan academy. This should essentially be enough to get you a basic grasp on MCAT physics. 

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2 hours ago, CardiacArrhythmia said:

Since you've NEVER taken physics, i would recommend reading through TPR first, they are extremely detailed in covering any content. After reading through them, go through khan academy videos & as you're watching you can take notes. After you watch a specific topic on khan academy, hammer it home with some practice passages on khan academy. This should essentially be enough to get you a basic grasp on MCAT physics. 

Yeah I heard Khan Academy is really good for physics. Thank you I'll do that :)

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