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I am wondering if someone can help me. On most university PT websites, it says that GPA will be calculated by:

"Last 20 half-courses completed by December 31 of the application year, starting with the Fall session of your current academic year and working backward. Due to the discrepancy in grade reporting across universities, in order to capture 20 half-courses, the GPA must be calculated based on yearly versus term marks. Thus, where grades must be extracted from a year to achieve the equivalent of 20 half courses, the average of that entire year (including both the fall and winter terms) will be used."


I am completing my degree in 5 years since I did co-op for a year. I completed 14 half-courses in the fourth and fifth year up to December 31st, 2017. In my third year (co-op year), I took four courses. How will they average the four courses to count towards the remaining 6 half-courses? My marks were the following, 92, 89, 88, 76. Would they average all the marks together (86.25) which is a 3.9 on a 4.0 scale, and use 3.9 for the remaining 6 half-courses to make up a total of 20, or would they use the average of each individual gpa (4.0, 3.9, 3.9, 3.3), which is a 3.8 (rounded) and use that for the remaining 6 half-courses?



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Hey PThopeful23,

From what I am understanding, they will probably use those four courses via the latter method you suggested. However, you will be short two courses. So, they will probably take the average of each individual GPA of the next preceding year to make up the last two half-courses. Hope that helps.



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