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final grades procedure

Guest uwoheather

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Guest uwoheather

hi guys,

just wondering when and how we submit our final grades to mcmaster-is it upon offers of admission only or does everyone have to do it?


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Guest jmh2005



You submit your grades only if you are waitlisted or receive an offer. You must have the transcipt(s) sent directly from the school(s) you attended. Most schools require you to fill out a form (transcript request form) and pay a small fee. Good luck!

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Hi there!


I was under the impression that Mac doesn't want a final transcript for people still in University who applied to mac and thought that it was an un-conditional offer?


Am I right? Or is it a conditional offer? If there are no conditions, then why do they need to see the final transcript?





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Guest jmh2005

At MAC, from what I know...you get in, you get waitlisted, or you get rejected. I don't believe they give out 'conditional offers' ie. based on finishing a master's, etc (like other schools do..)...but I believe the word 'conditional' is used in reference to getting FINAL transcipts in to them if you have been taking courses, full-time or part-time (yes, somewhat confusing).


MAC has gone on your GPA up to now and that doesn't change, but if you are incourse, I believe that if you are waitlisted or in, you still must send a transcript.


I was taking 2 part-time courses that I hadn't finished when I interviewed and I was required to send a transcript, so if you're still in undergrad, I don't think the rules would be different.


Call the office if it is unclear in the OMSAS stuff. This is what I believe to be true, but always go with the "official" word...the last thing you want is a problem at this stage of the game, better to be safe than sorry...Take care :)

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Guest MacLady

If you were in your third year of undergrad when you applied and are given an offer of admission, then your offer will be "Conditional". You will be asked for a final transcript to show proof of having completed the minimum required three years of undergraduate studies and that you maintained a GPA above 3.0. If when you applied you already had three years of studied complete, then a final transcript is not requested.

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Guest MacLady

When it comes information such as this, you truly are best to get the word straight from Mac. I have been amazed as some of the misinformation which flies through this web site. There have been a couple of times I have called for verification of facts only to be informed that this board often has the wrong information being passed along.

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Guest Dannyboy

To be fair with my fellow posters---I too have read misinformation BUT it has also been because the rules/regulations were changed. Things change every year so what stands today may not next month. As well, I have received info that is NOT the official word but it most definitely is how things are handled "unofficially" (that type of info I personally don't like to give out).


As far as transcipts are concerned, Mac told me that I will have to send my graduate transcript to them come June if I get a spot--I have the GPA and undergrad requirements but still need the transcript so your advice might only apply to those with undergraduate degrees (?). I think it might be because I am 'in progress-MA' (but I am finished as of last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and they want to assure that I don't leave a grad program if I get an offer. Mac required the head of my department to write a letter indicating that I would be done by Sept 2003 as part of my initial application (no letter = no appl).


It's a tough call sometimes....but yeah, as is always the case, it is best to get info in writing from the school.

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Guest MacLady

I just called Mac. Transcripts are ONLY required by applicants who where in their third year of study. Transcripts are NOT required from graduate students.

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Guest Dannyboy

well...like I wrote rules change. However, I still have the email that they sent me if for some reason you don't believe me about the grad. They may only have said that in order to prevent people from leaving grad programs early---once again, this is a grey area as far as rules are concerned. There has been much concern recently regarding students entering grad programs as a way to up the chances of getting into *some* med schools (look at Mac's stats--up to a third of students have grad degrees).


I am in a grad program--I know the routine; I know what students do; I know how concerned various schools/programs are about students dropping out of grad programs when a better deal comes around. I most definitely needed a letter to PROVE that I would be finished by September. I ultimately chose my program because my director was willing to write me the required med school letter; my first choice for schools/programs could not.


I most definitely was asked and questioned about whether I would finish on time during my interview---obviously Mac is concerned about students who decide to use a MA as a back door into med school. My GPA was far above what was required; I had completed a 5 years honours program---there was NO question about whether I had the standard requirements.


Once again, either ask Mac OR wait for them to ask YOU. So simple!

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Guest MacLady

Macforme: I have relayed the information I was provided and it is being questioned, so best to call the office directly yourself to put your mind at ease. Good luck!

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Guest Dannyboy

Maclady. I don't think your advice is being questioned--that is not what I meant and I didn't sense that in any of the posts. I know very little about what Mac requires for undergraduates so I certainly wasn't questioning your advice in this area. What I meant by my comments is that even though some info that shared may not be accurate, this doesn't necessarily mean that any posters intentionally mislead anyone. Rules change, ya know? As well, there are official and "unofficial" rules---info that may seem incorrect may in theory be so but it not in practice. Mac has made several errors regarding their appl rules with me so, human error, ya know? I don't think people mean any harm and if incorrect info is given out it might not be the poster's fault.


I was notified both over the phone and in writing that my transcipt would be required if I was accepted. As I wrote, graduate rules may be different--I suspect that although Mac said they would need my transcript, they only did so to assure that I knew I needed to complete my degree. That being stated, I honestly don't think that they will ask for it. What applies for me would be different than what would apply for those with undergraduate degrees. Different goals and objectives are trying to be met. If students routinely left graduate programs when a better option came up then the integrity of graduate programs would be compromised--no schools want this since grad programs are considered to be the backbone of most universities (for research and teaching reasons). I think the undergrad programs are more important but my opinion doesn't mean much.


My program is extremely competitive---if I left prematurely than that would mean that my spot was wasted. That would be a shame since so few are accepted. That situation would be totally unfair for the program/school/and fellow applicants who didn't get in. This situation is different than with undergraduate programs.


My take-home message was Mac will ask applicants for anything that they need so there is no need for anyone to panic or worry about ordering transcripts.


Have a great weekend!

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