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Found 11 results

  1. Hey! I decided to make this forum for those of us applying to UBC's DMD program this year. Feel free to share your stats (GPA, DAT etc.), ask questions, stop by to say hi, or simply lurk in the shadows. Later on we can use this forum to track interview offers, and then hopefully admission offers as well :))
  2. Bonjour, Je prévois appliquer en médecine pour le 1er mars 2025 (date limite) aux 4 uni québécoises. Je prévois faire mon Casper le 14 janvier 2025, car je serai en vacances hihi. J'entame présentement ma 3e session en sciences de la nature pour automne 2024 (cégep en 2 ans donc je gradue en mai 2025). Savez-vous à quel moment: 1. Je devrais réserver mon examen Casper (création du compte, paiement, réserver la date)? *À noter que je prévois également appliquer en médecine dentaire, pharmacie, etc. Mais il y a certains programmes que j'hésite encore à appliquer (sciences biomed, physio, ergo, par exemple), alors je ne sais pas je devrais attendre combien de temps avant de réserver, car je ne sais pas si les places pour le passer le 14 janvier sont limitées et convoitées... Peut-on réserver dès septembre et ajouter des programmes au fur et à mesure ou faut-il attendre d'être certains de tous ses programmes avant de réserver l'examen?? Je sais aussi que pour UdeS, il nous faut un numéro de DA ou de matricule, alors je ne sais pas si je dois commencer ma demande d'admission en ligne à UdeS maintenant pour avoir les numéros requis... 2. Je devrais déposer ma demande d'admission sur les sites des universités? Faut-il attendre de terminer sa session d'automne et de recevoir le relevé de notes (A-24 inclus) avant d'entamer quelconque démarche d'admission ou peut-on commencer la demande dès septembre 2024 et ajouter le relevé plus tard sans problème?? Merci de m'éclairer davantage, vos expériences par rapport aux demandes en ligne (uni et casper) seront grandement appréciées! // Hello, I plan to apply in med school for March 1st 2025 (last date) to the four quebec universities. I intend to take my casper exam on January 14th 2025 because i'll be off school hehe. I'm currently in my 3rd school term in nature sciences (fall 2024) (cegep in 2 years so i graduate on may 2025). Do you guys know when: 1. Should I book my Casper exam (account creation, payment, reserve the date)? *Note that I also plan to apply to dentistry, pharmacy, etc. But there are some programs that I am still hesitant to apply to (biomed sciences, physio, ergo, for example), so I don't know how long I should wait before booking, because I don't know if the places to take it on January 14 are limited and coveted... Can we book in September and add programs as we go or do we have to wait until we are sure of all our programs before booking the exam?? I also know that for UdeS, we need a DA or matriculation number, so I don't know if I have to start my online application to UdeS right now to have the required numbers... 2. Should I submit my application on the university websites? Do you have to wait until you finish your fall semester and receive your fall 2024 grade transcript before starting any admission process or can you start your application as early as September 2024 and add your transcript later without any problem?? Please enlighten me further, your experiences with online applications (uni and casper) will be greatly appreciated!
  3. Hey folks! I'm a current resident physician who has a bit of extra time to help out interviewees and applicants for the coming cycle. I recently graduated from UBC's MD program. I applied and interviewed at the University of Toronto, UBC, and University of Alberta MD programs, and got into the UBC MD program in my first time interviewing here. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what works and doesn't work in terms of interviewing at various programs. I've also helped out some of my close friends as well as other Premed101ers' who applied last year get into medical schools in Canada as well. Obviously the process is still kind of a black box, so I recommend practicing with you're fellow peers first; but if you are looking for some extra help and some guidance, feel free to contact me. I also offer application prep - so if you need help going over your application and reviewing it with you, let me know. I charge $75 per hour. If you have any more questions, feel free to message me.
  4. Hey folks! I'm a current resident physician who has a bit of extra time to help out interviewees and applicants for the coming cycle. I recently graduated from UBC's MD program. I applied and interviewed at the University of Toronto, UBC, and University of Alberta MD programs, and got into the UBC MD program in my first time interviewing here. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what works and doesn't work in terms of interviewing at various programs. I've also helped out some of my close friends as well as other Premed101ers' who applied last year get into medical schools in Canada as well. Obviously the process is still kind of a black box, so I recommend practicing with you're fellow peers first; but if you are looking for some extra help and some guidance, feel free to contact me. I also offer application prep - so if you need help going over your application and reviewing it with you, let me know. I charge $75 per hour. If you have any more questions, feel free to message me.
  5. Hey folks! I'm a current resident physician who has a bit of extra time to help out interviewees and applicants for the coming cycle. I recently graduated from UBC's MD program. I applied and interviewed at the University of Toronto, UBC, and University of Alberta MD programs, and got into the UBC MD program in my first time interviewing here. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what works and doesn't work in terms of interviewing at various programs. I've also helped out some of my close friends as well as other Premed101ers' who applied last year get into medical schools in Canada as well. Obviously the process is still kind of a black box, so I recommend practicing with you're fellow peers first; but if you are looking for some extra help and some guidance, feel free to contact me. I also offer application prep - so if you need help going over your application and reviewing it with you, let me know. I charge $75 per hour. If you have any more questions, feel free to message me.
  6. Wishing you the very best of luck in your CARMS journey! Do not be discouraged about not getting all the interviews you wanted. Definately do not be dissapointed if you thought the interview was tough or didn't go your way - it is tough for all not only you. May your hard work and commitment be rewarded with the perfect match for your residency. Trust in the journey you've embarked upon, as stressful and grueling as it may be, and it will lead you to a fulfilling and impactful career of your choice in medicine. Best of luck to each and every one of you – the future of healthcare is brighter because of individuals like you. Hello, (francais plus bas) We invite you to take 5 minutes (even if you are not applying -M1,2,3 - you will be our comparison group) in our online research project questionnaire to assess anxiety related to the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS). Your contribution is valuable and responses will be strictly confidential, with no specific risks involved. Objectives The aim of this project is to assess the anxiety generated by the application process for CaRMS (Canadian Resident Matching Service). We aim to collect data to gain a better understanding of the effects of this process on individuals. You will be invited to complete an online questionnaire focusing on the anxiety caused by CaRMS during the application process. The questionnaire is expected to take approximately 5 minutes of your time. Your contribution will contribute to a better understanding of CaRMS-related anxiety, which could potentially lead to improvements in the CaRMS residency application process in the future. https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/PDJG36K Bonjour, Nous vous invitons à consacrer 5 minutes (même si vous ne postulez pas -EM1,2,3– vous seriez notre groupe de comparaison) à notre questionnaire de projet de recherche en ligne pour évaluer l'anxiété liée au Service canadien de jumelage des résidents (CaRMS). Votre contribution est précieuse, et les réponses seront strictement confidentielles, sans risques spécifiques. Objectifs de la recherche Ce projet a pour objectif d'évaluer l'anxiété générée par le processus de candidature au CaRMS. Nous cherchons à recueillir des données pour mieux comprendre les effets de ce processus sur les personnes impliquées. Vous serez invité(e) à remplir un questionnaire en ligne portant sur l'anxiété causée par le CaRMS lors du processus de candidature. Le questionnaire devrait prendre environ 5 minutes de votre temps. Votre contribution aidera à une meilleure compréhension de l'anxiété liée au CaRMS, ce qui pourrait contribuer à améliorer le processus de demande de résidence du CaRMS à l'avenir. https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/PDJG36K thanks, med surveyor
  7. Hello everyone! I am a registered PT in Ontario, and I spent a lot of time on here back in 2019-2020. I was accepted to all of the Ontario (English) schools including McMaster, Western, U of T, and Queens on my first round of applications. I took a bit of a unique road to become a PT including doing a PTA/OTA diploma, working for chiropractors and non-physios as a rehab assistant, doing an online undergrad degree, and volunteering in areas completely unrelated to physio. Neither my academic nor professional references came from physiotherapists themselves, and I know this sounds wild, but you do not need PT experience to get into PT! There is so much more to you than clinic volunteering and I want to help you identify these strengths. Canada appears to be one of the most competitive countries in the world for physiotherapy, and in the year I was accepted (2020), the acceptance rates ranged from 5.5% at McMaster to 12.2% at U of T. Many students I went to school with were on their second or third round of applications. It's a daunting and draining process and I am here offering 1:1 counseling/consulting/editing services to help you identify areas you can improve your application, and offer considerations that you may not have thought about that actually make you a stronger applicant than you previously thought! Please reach out if you are interested, whether it is editing and reviewing statements, identifying experiences you can use on your application, or other questions you may have, I am here for you. Send me a message here! (I am not going to price gouge you, btw)
  8. Hey guys! So I am having trouble seeing myself compared to the other applications as I've seen people online with stellar stats get rejected whereas people with lower scores/less ECs compared to them get acceptances. I thought I would post what I have currently under my belt and was hoping to get your guys's opinions on if I'm headed on the right track or if I am lacking in some areas. IP: Alberta (desired school is UofC but open to any) Year: Second year undergrad First Year GPA: 3.91 (11 courses) Second Year First Sem GPA: 3.75 (4 courses) MCAT: (I took a practice AAMC full length before starting my study schedule as I am currently studying for it so I will use that score for now): 510 (128 CARS) CASPer: not done yet Publications: none ECs: 1.5 years working in retail sales, and just started a job at an optometry 0.5 years tutoring for an organization that helps provide education to youth, especially the underprivileged almost a year of helping coach para-athletes for track and field 1.5 years Outreach Director for a Canadian science competition 2 years tutoring for Big Brothers Big Sisters, my current student having a learning disability 2 years volunteering for a Canadian wildlife conservation group 1 year in Youth Council where I was part of the team that published a possible solution to ameliorate food waste/insecurity in my city 0.5 years VP Events at my program's student association Helping a graduate student research (I'm not an author though) I'm looking into more research and something related to speech therapy (I was born with a speech impediment that was resolved with therapy so I'm interested in that) favourite pastime is photography and started a photography Instagram account Any feedback/suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
  9. I am currently applying for the physician assistant program at the University of Toronto. It has been over a week since I submitted my reference form, however, none of my references have received the assessment form. I was wondering if there is a problem or if they would be receiving it soon. just wondering on their behalf so I can provide them with a little bit more information or if this has happened to anyone before. thanks!
  10. Hi everyone! I am a first-time applicant and have completed my ABS. I know this is last minute but I was wondering if any med students who have gone through this application process would be willing to look over my ABS section? I would really appreciate any help :))
  11. Bonjour, Une nouvelle discussion pour la prochaine admission en Médecine Vétérinaire pour l'automne 2021. Hésitez pas à poser toutes vos questions. Bonne chance! **Voici les lens d'info sur admission, Casper, Facebook FMV et Réseau de partage d'appartements FMV.** https://admission.umontreal.ca/programmes/doctorat-de-1er-cycle-en-medecine-veterinaire/presentation/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/UdeM1.20202021 https://admission.umontreal.ca/examen-casper/ https://takecasper.com/ https://www.facebook.com/FMVUdeM https://www.facebook.com/groups/357920434236148
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