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DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery)

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What do they use for the GPA calculation? Is it just the last 60 credits hours? Or just the prerequisites? All undergraduate courses? I looked everywhere on the website but can't find anything specific.

What is considered a competitive GPA for IP (Maritimes) applicants?

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  • Maggie19 changed the title to DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery)
  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/9/2019 at 11:33 AM, GlassHalfFull said:

Could you provide an update when they do reply? I am curious about this myself!

I didn't receive an answer yet ... I'm really curious about it because of the fact that I switched programs a few times and I don't know if the courses need to be in the same program or if it doesn't matter.

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