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Waitlist Update!

Guest TimmyMax

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey all,


I spoke to a very reliable source today and she told me that UWO offers of admission from the waitlist would be mailed out this week! The letters will be sent in GO Packs, just like the original acceptances, so keep your eyes out for the proverbial thickvelope. She also said that there would be no phone calls until at least July, so you don't worry about waiting by the phone all summer. Keep your fingers crossed you waitlisters and the good news will be in your hands soon!!! :)


Best of luck and happy stalking!!!


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Guest Valani9

I think that if you're in the 1st move off the waitlist, then you'll hear by the end of this week. Otherwise, yes, it could be a bit more of a wait.


There's so much overlap between Ontario schools, though, it should move a whole lot by the end of the summer. If you're prepared to wait, I think you have a really good shot.

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Guest Valani9

I couldn't stand the wait - I called and was told that there are a bunch that will be going out this afternoon.


I don't know how many, but it sounded like there would be more than just a few.


Good luck to everyone.



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Guest Jerika81

Thanks for the news.

I was wondering why no one had posted getting in off the waitlist yet. I guess we'll have to wait until next week to find out.

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Guest therealcrackers

In a word: yes. That would be pushing the envelope.


Wait until Monday or Tuesday to give the letters a chance to arrive. Thereafter you might want to consider it, but also make sure that your contact numbers are answered regularly as the rest of the invites off the waiting list will likely be offered initially over the phone...Yes, it's incredibly frustrating having to wait, but they usually don't offer information about acceptances to INCOMING calls.


Good luck!

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Guest aneliz

They won't start calling until probably mid-July from what I've heard...the '2nd round' was being mailed today according to Darla...


And yes, calling to ask your status is pushing a bit too far...they will not tell you, so sit back and wait for the mail and save yourself the long distance charges!


Good luck! :)

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey all,


Okay, waitlist update- I spoke with a very reliable source today (Darla) and she said that first of all, a batch of admissions offers from off the waitlist were sent out on Monday. If you didn't recieve one, then don't despair- waitlist offers will be mailed throughout the summer on a rolling basis (no telephone calls until late July at the earliest). In addition, the July 2nd deadline for provisional acceptances is quickly apporaching, so that should bring the greatest amount of movement in terms of admission off the waitlist. She also mentioned that with every declined offer to UWO, one more person will be notified off the waitlist. :)

Hope that this helps!


Best of luck!


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Guest seedstrike

I wish they would email you to let you know especially considering that the deadline for firm acceptance is only a few days away. My fear is that if i get off the waitlist at western in the next 2-3 days, the mail won't get here before the deadline by which time my acceptance at queens would have become firm. Oh well.

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Guest Nadz227

Hey Timmy,

since you seem to be THE person to ask about waitlist stuff I was wondering if you could answer a question for me...see I`ve received an offer from Western on Wednesday and, on that same day, found out that I was #9 on the Queen's waitinglist...my problem is that though I think Western is a great school with lots of enthusiasm, Queen's is my first choice (better fit for me). Anywaz, the offer from Western stated that a reply must be returned by July 4th, so does that mean that Western must receive my response by then or can I send it express on the 4th? Because, if I don`t receive an offer from Queen's by Friday then I`ll definitely accept Western but I kinda want to wait till the end of the week just in case... I'd really appreciate some advice `cause i`m kinda getting stressed about it,

Thanks Nadz

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Guest Krish



I know you addressed your question to Timmy, but I thought I would share my input as well.


Firstly, don't base your decision solely on the enthusiasm the school has or reflects. This may be a factor but the quality of education and the program itself should be the main criteria (in my opinion anyways). Both Western and Queen's have their strengths and differences. Look into these as well (which I am sure you have done anyways).


If I were you I would call Queen's on Wednesday and explain to them your situation and I am sure they will be understanding. You can expresspost your decision on Thursday and Western will received by Friday for sure.

My two cents.


Good luck.


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Guest Nadz227

Thanks for the input Krish,


I definitely think that`s what I'll end up doing, calling Queen's on Wednesday and going from there... and I think you`re right about not basing my decision solely on enthusiasm.


I've thoroughly examined the strengths and weaknesses of both schools and, in my opinion, they both seem great. But, as I said, Queen's just seems to be a better fit for me...I just mentioned enthusiasm because I'm so impressed with the energy that Western mods have demonstrated on this board ;)


Thanks again for the advice,


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Guest TimmyMax

Hey Nadz,


Seems to me that you want to go to Queen's, but you have an offer from UWO- not an uncommon scenario. You have a couple of options here. I can appreciate your situation wrt being on the Queen's waitlist, especially your wrt waitlist rank, but it is a classic problem with timing. I can also see that you do not want to give up your UWO acceptance if it is not necessary. So here goes.

Your prinicipal options are to hold off on a response to UWO as long as possible while waiting for Queen's, with the problem of Friday's deadline or to forego UWO's offer completely and wait for Queen's to call you.

The question that you have to ask yourself is to which school do you want to go to most and then choose it! Given your rank on the Queen's waitlist (#9) and the fact that in the past, Queen's has gone down about 90 or so places on their waitlist, it would seem that your chances of being offered a place at Queen's are very high. This would, of course, require some waiting on your part, and there is also a slim chance (albeit highly unlikely) of being shut out altogether. You would also have to give up your UWO acceptance, assuming that you are not contacted by Friday.

Should you go this route, however, there is hope. Since the deadline for provisional acceptances to become firm acceptances is next week (July 2nd?), the greatest amount of waitlist movement for any school will occur in this coming week or two as people in your situation (one "soft" acceptance while waiting for another school) will see their acceptances become firm and thus will be taken off all other schools' waitlists. My advice then would be to wait until Wednesday, phone Queen's on Thursday and attempt to discern your status on the waitlist and your possibility of being offered acceptance (it should be nearly 100% by this point). That way, if you are afraid of letting go of your UWO acceptance (great school, BTW!), you will still have time to ExpressPost your response to UWO and thus be added to their class, meeting your July 4th deadline.

The other option is to let your UWO acceptance deadline pass and wait for Queen's to call you- seeing as how you are #9 on the list, a call from their waitlist should be almost a certainty. While yes, this will leave you with no acceptances for a time, if Queen's is where you are bent on going, then this may be the correct choice for you.

Hopefully this will not come to pass and the decision will be made for your in the next couple of days. Best of luck with it!

In response to Krish's point (my last-ditch selling point for UWO), I chose UWO partly because of the enthusiasm expressed by the UWO students during their interview weekend- there were other reasons as well, but I'd be lying if I said that their enthusiasm was not one of them. I was torn between Queen's and UWO last year as well. To make my decision, I weighed the pros and cons of each school. In my case, I weighed the differences and similarities of each school. I considered at the curriculi of both schools (I preferred quarterly exams to semestered ones), the opportunities presented by each school (love that Rural Week!), looked at the extracurricular involvement (love that waterpolo!), the cities themselves (I liked London better than Kingston), and finally the social atmosphere (love those UWOMED2005 and Crackers guys!) in reaching my final decision. I'm sure that you have done this already in your mind and you probably know in your mind which school you are ultimately going to choose. For me, I figured that the overall quality of medical education would be the same (as it is at any Canadian medical school)- I just wanted to be as happy outside of the classroom as I knew I would be inside of it. Sorry about the novel-length response. Best of luck with your decision. :)


Best of luck!



P.S.: You could probably send your response to UWO's offer ExpressPost on the 4th without penalty

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