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Was super lucky to get into multiple schools (UBC, UofC off waitlist, Manitoba, and Sask)), am currently debating between only UBC VFMP and UofC as I am not considering Manitoba and Sask. I don't see many posts comparing UBC VFMP and UofC and was having trouble deciding so I am wondering what everyone's thoughts are on this, especially if you are a med student or graduate from either school (but would love to hear what everyone else says as well!). Here's what I'm thinking so far, let me know what you think!!

Pros of UofC:

- cheap

- graduate faster so make money faster

- you get ur MD at the end of the day

- know some people who got into UofC

- support system in Calgary

- might want to do residency in Calgary

Cons of UofC:

- less time for electives

- less time to figure out specialty

- apparently worse teaching and curriculum

- seems super stressful and hectic

- no summers, no time to travel


Pros of UBC:

- ranked higher

- very nice curriculum

- apparently more chill, you get mornings off twice a week

- summers, can travel

- lots of elective time

- Vancouver is beautiful

Cons of UBC:

- extremely expensive

- moving out

- don't know anyone at UBC, might be lonely

- no support system at UBC


Thanks in advance!

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Congratulations on getting into (so many) medical schools, @okayyes! I was in a similar situation as an Albertan, and ultimately chose UBC. I would choose UBC again. Since I've graduated, I matched to an extremely competitive specialty in a very desirable location, and felt the summer breaks were indispensable to doing research projects and pumping out publications. As well, as UBC's electives are all in fourth year, the third year clerkship year prepares you well for fourth year when you'll need excellent reference letters for the residency matching process. 

You've listed some important considerations already, and some other ones might be:
- Have you lived away from home before? This will affect how well you adjust to living in a new place.
- Are you a self-starter/independent learner? The UBC curriculum is more self-motivated and less didactic I think.
- What are your career aspirations? If you'd like to be standing in my shoes, then perhaps the extra summers may be worth the time and money. Sure you can be equally productive in 3 years, but I imagine it would be more tiring. 
- How much do you want to ultimately practice in Alberta? People tend to match to where they go to medical school, and then practice where they did residency. 

Happy to chat more via direct messaging. Best of luck with your decision! 

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