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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2022 Cycle

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32 minutes ago, HopefullyOT2024 said:

Hello everyone! I am late joining the forum because I actually had no idea this existed! I have applied to Queens, McMaster, and Western for OT. I am happy to share more information if anyone is curious.

Both McMaster and Western acknowledged my application in an email, but I never heard anything from Queens. I know it's a bit late to be wondering with only a week left, but I was curious if anyone has received an email acknowledging their application from Queens? Or perhaps they don't send them. I'm a bit worried because I feel my best chance for admission is Queens since my references are quite strong and they look at two written statements rather than only one.

Any advice is appreciated! Best of luck to everyone! Only one week left :)

I'm not sure if OT is the same, but I'm applying to PT to the 3 schools and Queens the only one I haven't heard back

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1 hour ago, HopefullyOT2024 said:

Hello everyone! I am late joining the forum because I actually had no idea this existed! I have applied to Queens, McMaster, and Western for OT. I am happy to share more information if anyone is curious.

Both McMaster and Western acknowledged my application in an email, but I never heard anything from Queens. I know it's a bit late to be wondering with only a week left, but I was curious if anyone has received an email acknowledging their application from Queens? Or perhaps they don't send them. I'm a bit worried because I feel my best chance for admission is Queens since my references are quite strong and they look at two written statements rather than only one.

Any advice is appreciated! Best of luck to everyone! Only one week left :)

I got acknowledgement (in form of a survey) from Queens PT but not their OT!

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Just found this forum and uggh wish I had it when I was applying. Applied for OT at Western, McMaster, UBC (out of province) and UofA (in province). undergrad is a BA in Sociology - but took a lot of courses focused in OT related things -  but applied with a fair amount of volunteer experience with elderly/people with a disability (however I also included experience that might not have pertained but included ways in which it did contribute to my relevant experience - if that makes sense). Got 4th quartile on Casper Test (which I account to very fast typing - did zero prep except practice test) with a 3.5 gpa (3.78 sub-gpa) - so not the best but not the worst either. I felt really good about my experience/writing for UofA, struggled with UBC's prompt for this year and felt ok about Western. 

Heard in like February that I was rejected from McMaster and UBC which majorly hit my confidence. I kinda knew both of these schools were a long shot (being OOP and with a low GPA) but I was still very discouraged, not of my self but just with the whole process of applications.

Just heard back from UofA and on the waitlist (which I was very happy with) in the top section! At first I was really excited but then I thought that I could still be #50 on the list (since they don't disclose that which is annoying) so the anxiety is very much still present. I'm assuming there's like 50 people for each section on the waitlist of 150, which I'm assuming is for the 120 potential spots in the actual program? - I guess they do that incase people on the waitlist don't accept the offer (they probably know that most people apply to multiple schools).

I am still extremely anxious with having to wait to hear and know this summer is gonna be chaos as soon as I hear. I haven't heard back from Western, has anyone else? 

Also sorry for the ramble, just thought I'd include all this info in case someone else finds it helpful. 

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3 minutes ago, OTprospect22 said:

Just found this forum and uggh wish I had it when I was applying. Applied for OT at Western, McMaster, UBC (out of province) and UofA (in province). undergrad is a BA in Sociology - but took a lot of courses focused in OT related things -  but applied with a fair amount of volunteer experience with elderly/people with a disability (however I also included experience that might not have pertained but included ways in which it did contribute to my relevant experience - if that makes sense). Got 4th quartile on Casper Test (which I account to very fast typing - did zero prep except practice test) with a 3.5 gpa (3.78 sub-gpa) - so not the best but not the worst either. I felt really good about my experience/writing for UofA, struggled with UBC's prompt for this year and felt ok about Western. 

Heard in like February that I was rejected from McMaster and UBC which majorly hit my confidence. I kinda knew both of these schools were a long shot (being OOP and with a low GPA) but I was still very discouraged, not of my self but just with the whole process of applications.

Just heard back from UofA and on the waitlist (which I was very happy with) in the top section! At first I was really excited but then I thought that I could still be #50 on the list (since they don't disclose that which is annoying) so the anxiety is very much still present. I'm assuming there's like 50 people for each section on the waitlist of 150, which I'm assuming is for the 120 potential spots in the actual program? - I guess they do that incase people on the waitlist don't accept the offer (they probably know that most people apply to multiple schools).

I am still extremely anxious with having to wait to hear and know this summer is gonna be chaos as soon as I hear. I haven't heard back from Western, has anyone else? 

Also sorry for the ramble, just thought I'd include all this info in case someone else finds it helpful. 

Hey, don’t get discouraged! Last year I was in the exact same position. I was waitlisted at U of A and rejected everywhere else, and it really hit my confidence. I was in the middle section, and last year the wait listed never moved through all of the upper section. However, the year prior, over half the people were let in so you never know. 
Also, Ontario schools all release their acceptances on May 13th - so don’t worry, no one has heard yet! 

 If it helps, after not making it through last year, I spent a year upping my GPA to a 3.86 by doing a grad diploma as well as I worked for an OT for a year, and now I’ve been accepted to U of A! So no matter how this year turns out, just don’t give up because it’s so worth persevering :) good luck! 

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6 minutes ago, OTuofahopeful said:

Hey, don’t get discouraged! Last year I was in the exact same position. I was waitlisted at U of A and rejected everywhere else, and it really hit my confidence. I was in the middle section, and last year the wait listed never moved through all of the upper section. However, the year prior, over half the people were let in so you never know. 
Also, Ontario schools all release their acceptances on May 13th - so don’t worry, no one has heard yet! 

 If it helps, after not making it through last year, I spent a year upping my GPA to a 3.86 by doing a grad diploma as well as I worked for an OT for a year, and now I’ve been accepted to U of A! So no matter how this year turns out, just don’t give up because it’s so worth persevering :) good luck! 

Thank you! That's really encouraging to hear! I know it's out of my hands so I've kinda been telling myself that either way it will work out and I'll being doing something next year that I just don't know about yet lol. Did you apply anywhere other than UofA either year? If I don't make it through this year I was kinda debating whether I should apply every place I did this year again (because it's a lot of money) or just focus my efforts on one or two? Also huge congratulations for getting accepted this year! 

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3 hours ago, PThopefulapp said:

For u of a, does the 150 seat waiting list for OT mean there are 150 people on the waiting list for a program with 120 seats? Just a bit confused. For PT there are 80 people on waiting list for 110 seats. 

PARDON there are 80 people on the waiting list? 

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5 hours ago, OTprospect22 said:

Just found this forum and uggh wish I had it when I was applying. Applied for OT at Western, McMaster, UBC (out of province) and UofA (in province). undergrad is a BA in Sociology - but took a lot of courses focused in OT related things -  but applied with a fair amount of volunteer experience with elderly/people with a disability (however I also included experience that might not have pertained but included ways in which it did contribute to my relevant experience - if that makes sense). Got 4th quartile on Casper Test (which I account to very fast typing - did zero prep except practice test) with a 3.5 gpa (3.78 sub-gpa) - so not the best but not the worst either. I felt really good about my experience/writing for UofA, struggled with UBC's prompt for this year and felt ok about Western. 

Heard in like February that I was rejected from McMaster and UBC which majorly hit my confidence. I kinda knew both of these schools were a long shot (being OOP and with a low GPA) but I was still very discouraged, not of my self but just with the whole process of applications.

Just heard back from UofA and on the waitlist (which I was very happy with) in the top section! At first I was really excited but then I thought that I could still be #50 on the list (since they don't disclose that which is annoying) so the anxiety is very much still present. I'm assuming there's like 50 people for each section on the waitlist of 150, which I'm assuming is for the 120 potential spots in the actual program? - I guess they do that incase people on the waitlist don't accept the offer (they probably know that most people apply to multiple schools).

I am still extremely anxious with having to wait to hear and know this summer is gonna be chaos as soon as I hear. I haven't heard back from Western, has anyone else? 

Also sorry for the ramble, just thought I'd include all this info in case someone else finds it helpful. 

Don't be discouraged!! I applied last year to all the Ontario unis, u of a and ubc and got rejected at all of them except waitlisted at u of a. This year I got into UBC (IP) ! I only applied to u of a and ubc because of the time and money of apps. Idk my GPA but my average grade % is JUST 84 for my upper levels (83.7%) and I believe I was in the 2nd quartile on Casper? When speaking with advisory at ubc at least, they said to ensure that your references say more rather than less and to spend a lot of time on the stmt of intent. But you're at the top! So hopefully it moves enough to get you in :) best of luck!! 

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8 hours ago, PThopefulapp said:

For u of a, does the 150 seat waiting list for OT mean there are 150 people on the waiting list for a program with 120 seats? Just a bit confused. For PT there are 80 people on waiting list for 110 seats. 

Technically, 150 seat waiting list for 100 seats. 20 of the 120 seats go to Sask residents which actually has a separate waitlist. 

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19 hours ago, PThopefulapp said:

For u of a, does the 150 seat waiting list for OT mean there are 150 people on the waiting list for a program with 120 seats? Just a bit confused. For PT there are 80 people on waiting list for 110 seats. 

Yes, it’s 150 people on the waiting list. There used to be only 100 but they bumped it up in the last couple years. I think they did this as there was a lot of movement on the waitlist in 2020 due to covid.

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Got accepted at u of A Calgary campus!! Out of province student with a 3.98 sGPA (on their scale; much more lenient scale compared to other schools!). Honestly, I wasn’t expecting to get in… my interview felt decent, but definitely not seemless in any way. It felt about the same as my UBC interview; and got rejected by them. That being said, I was 1st quartile Casper so that may have influenced my rejection from UBC. I think this may also go to show how much u of A values grades… especially in the absence of references and work exp for their application this year (due to Covid). 
my advice: grades are super important for any school; DON’T BUM OUT ON CASPER like me! 

also, anyone else who got into UofA Calgary, hit me up!!!

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Hey guys, 

I was just wondering what my chances for OT are for Western, Queens, and UofT with my credentials. I have a 3.90 subGPA but a 2nd quartile CASPer :/ 

I know my CASPer is low and I'm going to try next year to increase that if I don't get in this year, but I was wondering if anyone got into any OT school with similar credentials! 

Thank you!!

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6 minutes ago, simsmoke16 said:

Hey guys, 

I was just wondering what my chances for OT are for Western, Queens, and UofT with my credentials. I have a 3.90 subGPA but a 2nd quartile CASPer :/ 

I know my CASPer is low and I'm going to try next year to increase that if I don't get in this year, but I was wondering if anyone got into any OT school with similar credentials! 

Thank you!!

U of T and Queens don't require their applicants to write a Casper test. For as long as other parts of your application are strong overall, with 3.9 subGPA, I would not worry too much!

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On 5/2/2022 at 1:10 PM, canadaphysio2022 said:

Dang it.. still nothing here. Someone let us know if you get a waitlist email!

Not sure if it's the same for physio, but I'm an OT applicant and got an email around 2:13pm (PST) saying that I got placed in the 'top section' of the waitlist. Hoping that U of A does multiple round of offers though!

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Okay since I only applied to one OT school, I am resharing my stats. This forum has really helped me with my application and I would like to offer help to anyone who is planning to apply next school year.

Applied + (PT or OT?): OT - U of A
Accepted: U of A
GPA:c-gpa and s-gpa: s-gpa 3.92/4.0

Casper: 4th Quartile

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references: 

Really strong references!!

I have extensive job and volunteer experiences working with people with disabilities ranging from children to older adult population. I have worked in a retirement home as a recreation activity leader as well as a the Director's assistant and administrator for a year. I have TA experiences during my undergrad years (for about two years in total) but I did not have any research experience. I currently work with families with kids who are in pre-school and my position requires constant collaboration with other professionals in early childhood setting. I also took 2 years off before I applied to OT school.

I only took 24 course credits over two consecutive terms and U of A is very particular when it comes to the total number of courseload taken - they prefer if students took full course load. I got in, nevertheless. 


tbh, it didn’t seem to me that I have a strong application but I still got accepted so I am really thankful for that!!

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1 hour ago, OT-hopeful-BC said:

Not sure if it's the same for physio, but I'm an OT applicant and got an email around 2:13pm (PST) saying that I got placed in the 'top section' of the waitlist. Hoping that U of A does multiple round of offers though!

Just wondering, did you get your waitlist notification today (may 7)? Wondering if they are sending out more offers as I heard of my waitlist last Tuesday! 

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