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housing question

Guest tinee007

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Guest tinee007

I was wondering what most medical students do as far as housing is concerned. I've applied for housing at Thunderbird residences and I just found out that I am 152 on the waitlist (eek!) Since it looks like I won't be able to move in there, I was wondering how med students handle the commute. I live about an hour away by car and maybe 1.5 hours by bus/skytrain each way. Also, I REALLY want to live on campus and don't want to find a place off-campus. I was wondering what some of your experiences might be and whether or not this is a possible situation for me to handle (as far as finding time to study/sleep, etc.) Thanks for your input!


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Guest amorga3

I'm in the same boat as far as the commute is concerned and have been looking for studios off-campus (as I doubt that I could get into a decent on-campus place) and they seem to be about $600 and up.


I'm still looking at studios but if I can't find any for a decent price are there any med students who might be interested in being roommates?


I was looking for a place close to Broadway, preferably around Granville.

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