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Anxiety levels

Guest Persistent

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Guest Persistent

Hi everyone...


Just out of curiosity do any of you re-applicants out there who interviewed with UBC for the 2nd time this year feel EVER SO MUCH MORE ANXIOUS this time around during the wait?!?! I simply cannot seem to function at a near-normal level. Last year I was able to put the interview behind me and go on with life. But this year I find myself waking up thinking about how there is still another 2 months to go and falling asleep either thinking about my interview or wondering how to get through these next 2 months! I am usually a very down to earth, calm, rational person but I am finding myself going nearly insane thinking about what to do if I don't get in this year. I can't stand thinking about the thought of having to do that dreaded application again and going through another year's worth of waiting and anxiousness!


Sorry for the venting...Just wanted to get that out and see if anyone else is feeling the same way as I am.




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Guest Maple21

Hey there!

I interviewed last year at ubc and this year again. I'm oop so the spots are limited. I'm not waking up in the night thinking about the interview, will i get in, etc. but am also at a higher anxiety level than normal. It helps that i'm at school and have projects/papers due in the next few weeks, but it's not easy! Its easy to say "stay busy" and keep your mind off admissions, but its hard to actually do! i'm pretty busy, but still think about it often. i only have one other interview at the end of this month at western, so we'll see. Good luck to you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest marxkarkis

i cant so much speak fer the cats on their second time thru but this year bein my third time round... yeh i think ya mite be onta somethin there, i seem ta get a lil more stresst bout the whole thing each year...

i can relate to tha issue of dealin with all the applications again, thats no fun and not cheep... but i mean theres gotta be a brite side there too, a year of freedom ta tee up an squander on whatchu want to do fer your own love of life n all that...

but i'll tell ya, jus cuz everyone likes to know someone else is worse off an somebodys gotta be that someone, me i'm gonna spend the next 2 months on the couch after i get knee surgery, tryin to transcend any tendancies i have to obsess bout all this...

is cool tho, my couch is super comf.

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Guest GundamDX

it's tough even for first time applicants. I have 5 courses right now and it's homestretch since papers/ finals are due/ coming up. I think as long as you have backup plans, you'll feel less uneasy (I hope). Also need to realize that things like this ain't in your control. Fate, luck...etc have a lot to do with it. :D

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Guest MKxox

Even with having a number of back up plans as well as potenital job offers, I can't help but be anxious and distracted by the med thing and I'm a first time applicant!!

I guess the best way to put it behind is to find other things to distract yourself with!:rollin

Good luck

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Let's see from my experience


first time applying:

- more nervous pre and during the interview

- more nervous waiting (kinda new the first time sucked for me) so i was being hopeful.


second time applying:

- less nervous pre and during the interview (hey, i worked my ass off to prepare)

- less nervous waiting. I knew i laid it all on the line. the interview went much better than last year.

- extremely nervous when someone on this board announced results were to be posted the upcoming friday (this was a few days before May 13 last year). heart palpitations as i kept refreshing my online status that morning. some serious sinus tachycardia man.



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