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Why DAL?

Guest cedar05

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Guest cedar05



I am having a hard time deciding between U of T and Dal (I am from halifax and have done my undergrade at Dal) so I was wondering if people could share the pros and cons of Dal or U of T for that matter. Any comments will be helpful.



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Guest JewelLeigh

Reasons for Dal:

- for you - close to home

- great mix of tutorial/self-learning and lectures

- much clinical experience and opportunities early on (starting 1st month of 1st year!)

- small class size

- a school that treats you like a human being with interests and important activities/relationships outside of medicine (note: I am not indicating that UT is not like this...I have no idea what it is like there)

- clerkship in a smaller centre = hopefully more hands-on experience and direct teaching for clerks

- opportunity to do parts of clerkship in other cool parts of the maritimes (PEI, Cape Breton, etc)

- Halifax is a fantastic city...as I am sure you already know (and not to mention is WAY cheaper compared to Toronto when it comes to rent)


Ultimately, the major factor that led to me choosing Dal over Ontario schools was how caring they are. Through undergrad and the medical admissions process, I have never come across an institution that was so people-centred. This is evidenced by one of the most transparent and humane admissions processes around. And once you are here, I guarantee, this feeling of comraderie and "taking care of their own" continues. For example, we have a student advisor who is one of our professors who, despite having a busy professional and family life of her own, goes out of her way to hold events to get to know us, to send us emails to let us know she's thinking of us, etc. I remember a particularly emotional time for me when I called her at 10pm at her home and this was not out of place! So yeah...at Dal, they care :) (Awwww.....)


Also, I am not sure if you hope to come back to the Maritimes for residency, but if so...going to Dal will allow you to make contacts all through your undergraduate medical education. As I have no CaRMS experience myself, I obviously don't know for sure, but I would imagine having such contacts would increase your chances of matching here.


Anyway...reasons why not Dal...hmm...well I'm biased, so I don't have any :) Haha.


But truly...you can't go wrong with any medical school in this country, so whichever you choose, you will have a great time and end up with a fantastic medical education. Congrats and good luck!

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Guest eJaya

Hi there,

I can't really comment on UofT but I will say that I have had many friends go there and love it.

Now here's the great things about Dal:

1) In a small city with lots to do (but you know that)

2) a nice combo of lectures, small groups, and clinical experience.

3) clinical experience- you get to be in the hospital even in first year which is nice. The clerkship is great because it is a smaller center so you get a LOT of hands-on experience. Sometimes the residents even step-aside to let you take over. For instance, I was doing my obs/gyn rotation and instead of the resident taking over- she stepped back (didn't even put on gloves) and let me deliver the baby.

4) caring staff- the UME is amazing. They are very understanding when it comes to personal problems, academic problems, all problems really. We have had people take time off for babies, health issues, conferences, etc, etc, etc. The admin (in my experience) has always handled it very well and tried to help the students in any way possible.


These are just the things that stand out the most to me. There is of course lots more, but you won't be making a mistake if you choose dal (unless you hate halifax). Good Luck with your decision :)

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Guest rookiemeds

I had to make a similar decision a couple of years ago and ended up choosing Dal for a number of reasons. I agree with everything above but will add two more things that were important to me.


First, med school is stressful wherever you are but I felt at the time (and still think now) that the slightly slower pace of the East Coast eases the stress a bit. The students just seem a little more laid back, and I think that's a product of our location.


My second reason doesn't apply to your situation as much. I really prefered to be in a smaller centre, but I wanted one that had access to lots of stuff. Halifax is the referral centre for all of the maritimes, so you have the children's hospital and lots of surgery opportunities, etc... but you're in a smallish city with fewer learners.


Good luck making your decision. Either way you're a winner!

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Guest cedar05

I know this because one of the members cannot attend a work meeting (which I am also attending) because of the admissions meeting.

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