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Hello hello!


Congrats on getting an interview here at Calgary!


The MMIs consist of 10 stations with a different interviewer at each station. They will ask a specific question and you'll have a set period of time (10min) to discuss it.


Questions range from ethical dilemmas, exploring your background, your 'fit' with medicine and Calgary etc. We had some really positive feedback about the MMI format compared to the traditional 60min with one person. It's more standardized, you get many different opportunities to make a 'first impression' if one of the sessions goes badly etc.


As for 'getting to know you', you answer even the "tough questions" based on what you think/feel and you can bring in past experiences etc. to explain where you're coming from. I really think the MMI is an improvement over the method that I used (45+min with one interviewer and a student).. I could tell you horror stories about mine :P

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I think one of the best parts about the MMI is that if you completely botch one station, you still have nine other tries to "click" with the person interviewing you, and it's not the end of the world. I know I had one station I would have liked to do over, but I still got in! My advice then is to try and have a really short memory...if you screw it up on one question, shake it off and move on--don't dwell on it!

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Hey all,


I went through the MMIs last year when I got in, and they weren't too bad. It is nice to be able to make multiple first impressions, and easier to recover from a dodgey answer when you get to change rooms. Most of the questions are really the same type you would get in a traditional interview, just spread out into stations. I actually remember using the same personal experience three times to answer three different questions (with a slightly different moral each time, right?). Couldn't have done that in a non-MMI!


If you want more info about the format and the types of questions you can be asked, do a pubmed search for MMI, med school admissions, blah, blah, blah... There are a few articles out there, at least one having a pile of sample questions in it.


Congrats on getting interviews, and we'll see some of you out here next year!



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Nice Lurker...


"So tell me about a time when you made a difficult decision"

- when i saved a kitten from a burning building


"When did you have to self sacrifice?"

- when i saved a kitten from a burning building


"What do you do to stay balanced?"

- I save kittens from burning buildings


Well now EVERYONE is going to get in :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to clarify, this year there are nine (9) MMI stations, as opposed to last year's ten (10) stations.


In last year's MMI, applicants had their first and tenth stations with the same interviewer; this year, there are no repeated stations so you only see each interviewer once. Other than that (and the interview questions) the format is the same.


Good luck!


Daryl (Class of 2009, Macaques)

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